Week 1 Status Update

This week our goals were to get the LCD display up, get the touch screen working and implement the Real-Time Clock (RTC) into the system. Our first goal of creating an LCD display was easily accomplished. We set up a cool display with some nice looking 3D buttons to control the time and the alarm as well. The display also include some digits to display the time and a portion to determine whether it was am or pm. Kyle spent most of his work time on this part of the system. The next portion was implementing the touch screen to control the buttons on the screen. Rich worked primarily on this portion of the system. We do not have the touch screen fully working, however we are very close.


Unfortunately, we were not able to implement the Real-Time Clock (RTC) at this point in time, although we did begin working on it and have the software aspect mostly figured out. The blocking factor on the RTC was not having the appropriate hardware. We need an external oscillator to implement the RTC, specifically so that it will not reset when power is removed. In addition to these goals, Jae worked this week on beginning research on EEG brainwaves and signals in relation to sleep. We will need these sources and information once we begin processing the EEG signals to determine sleep states. This coming week we will do a lot of experimenting with reading EEG signals off the MindFlex headset which just arrived this weekend.