DKE Summer Series 2014 – Kevin Fasano

This summer Brother Kevin Fasano ’15 is working as an EXCEL Scholar at Lafayette College with Professor Joshua Smith.  As a Mechanical Engineering major, this opportunity has allowed Kevin to apply his technical skills as well as for him to gain insight into the world of academia.

Fasano is currently researching lymphedema, a condition in which an individual’s extremities become filled with interstitial fluid, often hindering motion and leading to other medical complications.

Throughout his research, Fasano has been investigating the literature to develop appropriate material models describing skin and subcutaneous tissue. Furthermore, Fasano applies these material models to a Finite Element model he developed and generates computer simulations which analyze the effectiveness of various treatment methodologies.

Fasano is the former Vice President of DKE, and will begin his second semester as Treasurer in the fall.

259 thoughts on “DKE Summer Series 2014 – Kevin Fasano

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