2014-07-10 08.23.28Last Thursday night, we had our first distribution at the South 10th and Pine Street community garden! It was great to finally be able to share our vegetables with the West Ward Neighborhood. At the beginning of the week, Andrew, Alexa and I were convinced that all we would have at the stand would be zucchini and summer squash since we already had over fifty pounds from the Urban Farm, but Thursday morning we realized there were plenty of other vegetables ready to be harvested! At the stand we had swiss chard, beets, kohlrabi, yellow onions, green onions, sugar snap peas, snow peas and shell peas, radishes, kale, and squash from the Urban Farm, collard greens and purslane from Yvonne’s garden on Walnut Street, and beans and green onions from our own garden at Lafarm. In total, we had over 285 pounds of produce!

We were so excited to see that so many people came out to the stand on Thursday even though it rained the entire time we were there. We recognized a few faces from attending the Kellyn Foundation’s cooking demonstrations at Summer nights where we handed out flyers about the stand. Everyone was thrilled to receive so many of the vegetables and most were even willing to try new things! Not many people had heard of kohlrabi before, but when we told them we had a recipe that incorporated it, they wanted to try it. I enjoyed handing out the vegetables and being able to tell each person a little bit about what they were getting. It was wonderful to see how much people appreciated getting the vegetables and seemed to me like they really valued the food that they were receiving. I’m hoping that we can learn from this distribution and make some improvements for next week. I’m interested to see if many people come back again, and if we have new faces. Also, I’m curious to see if more people come if it doesn’t rain and if they hang around the garden or still leave right after getting their veggies. Looking forward to next Thursday night!!
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