“The most satisfying thing is not buying, but giving” (McKnight and Block).

Last week’s farm stand was both enjoyable and empowering, but also exhausting!

I have so much respect for farmers who do this work daily or even weekly. There are so many little details to attend to in preparation for the farm stand, and I am so proud that we were able to get everything together in time for Thursday night. It could not have been accomplished without the support from everyone present throughout the week. Thank you!

I think we did well with developing educational resources last week, so in the next couple weeks, I’m looking forward to developing and implementing more supplemental activities for the farm stand. If we can bring a little joy through a portable speaker and some music, we will be able to liven the mood and hopefully help promote some of the community building we are hoping to see throughout the summer.

What I’m Reading:

The Abundant Community by John McKnight and Peter Block

Neighborhood and Community in Building Developmental Assets Scales et. al. (2001). Journal of Community Psychology