The War That Changed the World

Miller worked as a writer and historical consultant with producer Tom Hanks on a film that is now the signature attraction of the National World War II Museum’s Victory Theater, a new IMAX theater that is part of the museum’s $300 million dollar expansion. The museum is located in New Orleans and has been designated bMV5BMTQwNjU1NjE0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTg4MzI1Mw@@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_y Congress as America’s official World War II Museum. Miller is also a founding member of the Museum’s Presidential Counselors, a group of distinguished historians, archivists, and heads of major public television stations and historical sites. Beyond All Boundaries is a multi-sensory cinematic experience—the first of its kind in the world. It was made exclusively for the museum by Hanks and Hollywood director Phil Hettema. The film premiered at the Victory Theatre’s grand opening in November 2009, an event hosted by Tom Brokaw. Tom Hanks is the film’s narrator and the film features the voices of Kevin Bacon, Blythe Danner, Brad Pitt, Patricia Clarkson, Tobey Maguire, Viola Davis, Gary Sinise, and Elijah Wood and others.