Professor Donald L. Miller




Ph.D., University of Maryland 
(610) 330-5169
Ramer History House 302

Teaching and Research interests: modern United States social history and urban history; Civil War and slavery; World War II and modern memory

Selected publications:

Supreme City: How Jazz Age Manhattan gave birth to Modern America 

Masters of the Air: American Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi Germany

D-Days in the Pacific

The Story of World War II 

City of the Century: The Epic of Chicago and the Making of America    

Lewis Mumford: A Life 

Lewis Mumford Reader 

The Kingdom of Coal (with Richard E. Sharpless)

The New American Radicalism 

Honors: Emmy Nomination: Outstanding Television Series 2010–“The Pacific”; Research Fellow–All Souls College, Oxford University; Outstanding Book on Military Policy–National WWII Museum; 4 Fellowships–National Endowment for the Humanities; Great Lakes National Book Award; Outstanding Book 2009, WWII Magazine; Victorian Society–“Book of the Year”; Van Artsdalen Award for outstanding research; Community Services Award, Lafayette College; Nominated for National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize–3 times for each; Finalist, Bancroft Prize National Book Critics Circle Award; Marquis Distinguished Teaching Award; Student Government Superior Teaching Award.