The Story of WWII

“A major publishing event.  Donald Miller’s additions to the original account are outstanding, and the total effect is one few readers will ever forget.”
– David McCullough, author of John Adams

“With his superb narrative flair, masterful eye for detail, and perfect blend of colorful anecdote with historical context, Donald Miller has given vibrant new life to a valued work.  This… account of World War II is likely to remain a classic for generations to come.”
– Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of No Ordinary Time

“This is a stunning achievement.  Weaving extraordinary anecdotes and firsthand accounts of combat into the epic drama of World War II, Donald L. Miller has crafted a suspenseful and riveting retelling of perhaps the greatest story in human history.”
– Andrew Carroll, editor of War Letters

“This combination of popular history and soldier testimony is a unique and wonderfully successful event.  Put together with skill and sensitivity, it is a chronicle of ruin and agony, both a tribute and a warning.  Enthusiastically recommended.”
– Paul Fussell, author of Wartime and Doing Battle

“This is the book that deserves to be titled The Story of World War II…. If you seek the book that best conveys the ‘you are there’ experience of history’s greatest conflict, you hold that book in your hands.”
– James Bradley, author of Flags of Our Fathers

“Beautifully done.  Donald Miller has made combat, wherever it occurred in World War II, alive and immediate.”
– Martin Blumenson, author of Patton