Excerpts from Student Reviews

“[Professor Miller] is extremely knowledgeable and interesting- one of the best professors I’ve had in my four years.”

“Professor Miller’s lectures, more than anything, really helped me to learn. It was fascinating to listen to him speak about his area of expertise–like watching Michelangelo paint or hearing Caruso sing.” 

“[He] is a fabulous lecturer”

“Professor Miller’s knowledge is astounding.”

“I have never been more upset to end a class. The material is interesting and Professor Miller keeps the whole class engaged. Everyone should take [his] class. I hope to have Professor Miller again in future classes.”

“Professor Miller [is] a tremendously capable teacher.”

“…pushed me to think deeply and critically about what we were learning.”

“[Professor Miller] is the best [teacher] I have had at Lafayette College.”

“…enhanced my ability to draw connections between literature and history.”

“He made a subject I did not find particularly interesting, interesting to me.”

“Professor Miller possess an infinite wealth of knowledge.”

“I gave more effort than most other courses due to how much I enjoyed the course.”

“Best Prof. I’ve had at Lafayette.”

“Miller makes excellent use of films, photos, and maps that we analyze along with out reading materials.”

“Professor Miller makes the class fun and interesting.”

“He uses discussion to foster learning. He is [also] always willing to help and talk with his students.”

“Professor Miller expects a sizable knowledge and understanding and I worked hard to show him I had both.”

“Professor Miller helped me sharpen my writing abilities by making me more concise.”

“Really learned how to dissect reading. Learned to read with a purpose rather than just reading to read [as result of this course].”

Reviews via Ratemyprofessor.com

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