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leecw, Page 3

At Long Last, A T-Shirt!!!

After much color matching, we finally have a t-shirt, designed by Kyle Tucker ’14. The back of the t-shirt features a dapper …

End of Year Parties

A great time was had by all at the A&S, AMS, and German Club parties as we closed out a festive year …

Signs of Spring!

The crocuses were up before Valentine’s Day this year and managed to co-exist happily with a bit of slush. Last year the …

Winter Dinner Discussions

We continued our streak of home cooked meals and provocative dialogue this January and February. The theme for this semester is “Imagining …

Holiday Party

On the last night of Hanukkah, pictures from the McKelvy Holiday Party! Faculty, friends, and McKelvys got decked out in their finest …

Iron Chefs

This semester our discussions have been made extra delicious by intrepid McKelvys cooking up family recipes to share with the crew. This …

White Halloween

We weren’t looking for a White Halloween but we got it! The snow added a romantic twist to the Halloween pumpkin and …

Trip to the Zoo!

Woke up to our friend the deer sunning himself on the lawn on a beautiful clear and cold morning. The farmers’ market …