German Film Evening at McKelvy

 “Deutscherfilmabend bei McKelvy”

At 3:00 on Saturday, Josh provided a ride to Karl Ehmer in Bethlehem to pick up the meat that Meagan had ordered.  I was thrilled to have access to delicious food with a large amount of money at my disposal. Upon entering, Niederegger Marzipan, Leibniz Butterknacker, and Bahlsen Pfeffernüsse surrounded me and I immediately chose the best deserts and other necessities for the evening, such as German butter. Then I proceeded to speak with the employees, finding that although two of them had a basic understanding of German, one lady, Gerta, had moved from Munich twenty years before and spoke it as if she had moved yesterday. She was utterly friendly and after speaking for a few minutes about her daughter, German Club, McKelvy and München, we received a 10% discount. Upon leaving, a great Aufwiedersehen (German: bye; literally, until meeting again) came out of the mouths of everybody in the building.

At 5:00, the guests arrived and everybody gorged themselves on German bread, German meat, German butter, and German deserts. My taste buds were utterly delighted.

At 5:30, we started the film. Although slow to start off with, it soon picked up tempo and humor and by the end, everyone was laughing. Memorable scenes included Daniel using physics to figure out the speed needed to get across a river and the portrayal of the Turkish prison.

Overall, it was a great time. It successfully provided all of the perceptive participants with a greater understanding of modern German culture, film and food.

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