Discussion 11/15: Let’s Talk About Sex

Hello Everyone,

For discussion next week we will be talking about sex…yay? Why are we talking about sex? Because it isn’t talked about enough, particularly in the American school system which will be the cornerstone of our discussion. Sex-ed in America is a seriously flawed system and while we’re not sure we’ll be able to completely solve this national crisis (yes it is a crisis…one of the articles says so) in a 90 minute discussion, but we can do our best! We will talk about sex ed in American middle and high schools, but also about continuing the conversation on college campuses. Should sex-ed be a part of a college curriculum? Are American colleges and universities doing enough to talk about sex (and safe sex) in this day and age? Is there a “right” way to discuss sex with children (and if there is–please share with the group)? Are we as a society inclusive enough when we talk about sex? Come ready to discuss these questions and more! Here are some articles to get you started (and please watch the John Oliver video first because A. it’s an excellent baseline for the rest of the articles and B. it’s John Oliver).

John Oliver: Sex Education

7 Problems with the State of Sex Ed in America Today

Opening Up Conversations About Sex


Additional Resources:

State Policies on Sex Education in Schools

Sex Ed in America Maps



  • Glynnis & Miriam

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