1 More for the Win

It was a bit of a hassle to get the projector for the weekend. However, once it was set up in McKelvey thanks to the help of Josh, I knew the party was going to be a success. Of course with every good super bowl party there must be pizza and especially buffalo wings. Yet another hiccup in the plans happened when I went to go pick up the wings from Big Woody’s and found that they were not there. It was quite a shock for me to find out that Big Woody’s is actually a chain that has five locations within a 30 minute radius of the college. I had actually called the Big Woody’s in Allentown. Ops.

I  had to scramble to get back to the house to lead my discussion about the development of athletes over the ages unfortunately, empty handed. The discussion started with the question of “What is your favorite sport to watch or play?” and ended with ” Who will you be rooting for tonight in the Super Bowl?” The discussion seemed to have gone off without a hitch, but I still had no food. I was beginning to panic that the pizza would not be delivered. Luckily, the pizzas were still delivered in time for the start of the game, so as more people began to filter into the house the food was ready. However, there was still the problem of the missing wings.Thus, I began the journey to find my wings, while blasting the play-by-play report in my car. I called the number that I ordered the wings from to find out their location and started down some twisting, back roads to find the restaurant.

I eventually arrived at Big Woody’s after getting lost twice. I ran in to pick up the order and found that they had already given away my order because I was late…and they had run out of wings and were making more. Hence, my trip that should have only been about 20 minutes turned into a little over an hour. Good thing football games are so long! Eventually, I got my wings and sped (going as fast as the speed limit would allow of course) back to McKelvey.

There was still plenty of pizza left when I got back and I got an applause for the wings. I was just in time for half time. There were probably close to 30 people there when I arrived though I had heard that more people had been there earlier. All in all the event went very well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the wings! Plus the giants won!!!

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