A Starring Role for McKelvy

We had a special treat at Sunday’s Goodbye Barbecue for the seniors, where we screened the new McKelvy documentary, “McKelvy: The Film,” by FAMS students and talented filmmakers Justin Chando, Kelsey Harkness, Jesse Ryan, and Jessica Wason. Profs. Andy Smith and Nandini Sikand supervised the project. The film features fantastic interviews with President Daniel Weiss, McKelvy alums, and Diane Shaw of Special Collections, and includes current McKelvyites and me going about our lives at the House– in addition to amazing archival footage of “Wheedie” and her friends walking about the grounds and great old photos of Sunday Discussions gone by. Thanks to Justin, Kelsey, Jesse, and Jessica for doing us proud!

Check it out here:

McKelvy: The Film from LAFAYETTE FAMS on Vimeo.