The Holiday Party

Scholars, faculty and administrators and their families, alums and other McKelvy friends gathered on the last day of classes in a very festive spirit for the Holiday Party. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we didn’t send out paper invitations this year, but used a vintage holiday card from College Archives in our email invitation.

Lauren and Eric also worked with Diane Shaw to pick out archival images to frame for the party, and Josh helped to clean out the front hall coat closet, which came in very handy on the chilly night. The finishing touches on holiday decorations came from greenery Bill had trimmed from the holly and evergreens on the property the week before. We tucked some around the mantelpieces and in the fireplaces and we were ready to show off the House!

The catering staff outdid themselves on smoked salmon and other hors d’oeuvres, but the star of the night was the fabulous chocolate cake:

One of my favorite parts of the party is seeing the students and faculty all dressed up before the sweatpants and pjs come out for finals week.

After the guests went home but before the sugar highs crashed, the Scholars opened presents and stockings. Most popular present: Cosmic Cup gift cards!

Complete party slide show to come!