For Questions or Comments, please visit write: leadershipeducation@lafayette.edu
The Lafayette Leadership Education Committee is comprised of select students and employees who meet bi-weekly to plan student leadership educational opportunities each year. The Leadership Institute is the major event organized by the committee.
Lafayette Leadership Committee Members (LLEC)
Courtney Blocker (’17)
Caroline Bitterly (’17)
Olivia Bonevento (’18) – 2017-18 Leadership Intern
Neysa Braimah (’17) – 2016-17 Leadership Intern
Tanina Cadwell (’17)
Dr. Alan Childs (Psychology)
Erin Evans (Career Services)
Dr. Jodie Frey (Recreation Services) – Leadership Education Committee Advisor
Kaitlyn McKittrick (Athletics)
Jade Saybolt (’16)
Christine Tomik (Alumni Affairs)
Dr. Tim Silverstri (Counseling Center)
Tim Uhrich (Residence Life)