Meet the Guys

 Returning Members


Walter Kennedy joined the Chords as a freshman. He sings Baritone and is the Business Manager for the group. His biggest influences are the Ghost of Billy Mays, the Long Tetris Piece, and whoever wrote the song All Star by Smash mouth. And yes ladies, he’s single.


Allie Rosen joined this fall as  a tenor. He is a member of the class of 2019 and is an Engineering and Film Major. Despite having only been in the group for one semester, he was elected president of the Chorduroys, following in the footsteps of his voice part sensei Ben Ritter.



Zviko Machikiti (class of 2019) auditioned for the Chorduroys as a soprano and now sings bass. He hails from Zimbabwe, loves a glass of warm milk, and doesn’t correct people when they mispronounce his name. He also is a member of the Markeys, another of Laf’s acapella groups.


Weston Lickfield (class of 2019) is more of a guy we put up with than a real member. He started as a baritone but is now singing as a tenor. His plan is to climb upwards to singing dog whistle tones. He’s an electrical engineer which seems dangerous as he is also a swimmer. 



Shea Nuner (class of 2020) is our newest baritone. He is the president of the service fraternity AΦΩ even though he’s a freshman. He doesn’t like loud noises and finds burrito’s altogether too filling. However, he has many leather bound books and his dorm room smells of rich mahogany.



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Jeremy Zeitler  class of 2019 is our very own musical director. He doubles as beat boxer and bass singer. Rumor has it that every week he uses all 20 of his meal swipes in the first hour of Saturday morning. 





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Duncan Brady (class of 2018) is our baby baritone (turned tenor) and assistant musical director. He is an Engineering Studies major with a minor in writing at Lafayette, pursuing a career in journalism. Duncan does not leave his room often and is hurt by direct sunlight. The guy usually dresses up as a bowl of noodles for Halloween and sometimes for Christmas. He always gets those two holidays confused.

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