Our Cur Non spirit

Thank you, friend, for joining your Marquis’ spirit aboard the Hermione. I recall my first trip to America. I was 19 and eager to join the fight for freedom, but my king forbade it. So I procured my own ship and set sail. Cur Non!

What does “Cur Non” mean? A simple translation is “Why Not?” But truly, it’s a belief that with bold resourcefulness, fearless self-determination, enduring optimism and meaningful personal connection — anything is possible. Lafayette-Coat-of-Arms_knockout-FINAL

While I have often declared America my second country, it is your dear college that is truly my heart’s second home. For you do more than bear my name, you embody my legacy and “Cur Non” spirit, and certainly there can be no greater honor than that.

Now it is only fitting that I allow you to forge your own path. Perhaps you might enjoy hearing about how your Lafayette experience parallels mine?

Or learning about the Lafayette College events and other Hermione festivities that await us come June?

Or discovering how to socialize with your fellow Cur Non celebrants (even if they’re hopelessly landlocked!)