Wrapping up the Semester

Wrapping up the Semester

Image created by Lisa Sholtz – May 11, 2020

After fourteen weeks of hard work, seven of which were spent remotely, the Greening Acopian project has reached its end. The team is thrilled with the final version of Lafayette Gardens (pictured above) and are happy to have had the opportunity to take part in such a unique project. The team will be handing the final design and report over to Admissions, and to any future classes or organizations that want to pursue the development of Lafayette Gardens. Please read the following sections for brief updates about the project’s conclusion.

The Final Presentation – 

The final presentation ran from 1:00pm – 2:00pm on Monday, May 11, 2020. No longer able to hold the presentation in person, the team met with several faculty and staff members over Zoom in order to present the final design of Lafayette Gardens. The slideshow portion can be viewed by following this link. Overall, the project was received incredibly well with only a few comments from the audience, most of which centered around possible traffic calming and noise reduction efforts. Given the limited time left in the semester, the team was unable to incorporate any of these recommendations into the final product, but we do recommend that future teams investigate these options.

The Final Report – 

The final report was completed on Friday, May 15, 2020. The team began developing this write up at the end of March and now, after three months, it is exciting to see everyone’s hard work come together. The PDF version of the final report can be read here.

As this is the last post of the semester, the team would like to take a moment to thank everyone for their support. Lafayette Gardens is a unique design that has the capacity to bring incredible benefits to Lafayette College including community development and sustainability improvements. Should the college decide to pursue this wonderful combination of engineering, art, and the environment, the team hopes that all of the work completed this semester will make a helpful starting point for any future efforts.

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