Category: English

All available articles in English.

Cultural Experience

A memorable culture experience I had with someone from a different country occurred for me in highschool. Growing up in a small town in Connecticut, the only people that I really knew were the people from my town. But when…

Exploring Italian Culture

A few years ago, I went on a family vacation to Italy, where we visited Rome and Florence. Before the trip, I knew little about modern Italian culture, only Italian history. I learned about ancient Rome’s culture in the Latin…

From Hong Kong to the United States

Reflecting on my journey from Hong Kong to the United States for my studies, I initially harbored certain preconceptions about American culture and its academic environment. Coming from a highly commercialized background in a bustling Asian metropolis, my perception was…

The Differences in Educational Systems

Education is a fundamental right and I strongly believe that everyone should get the opportunity to get at least some basic level of education. The term ‘education’ is a very broad term covering subjects like science, english, mathematics and many…

Gonpura To Easton

My initial experience with education was unlike most others, taking place under a neem tree in a village school, with a young me clad in half pants and a pink striped shirt. Clutching a modest notebook and a pencil in…

Positive delusion

Self-questionning High School Musical, a great piece of work that made me believe my whole childhood that american students were to dance and sing in their school hallways without being grounded! Besides Kenny Ortega’s work, I was passionate about many…