From Hong Kong to the United States

Reflecting on my journey from Hong Kong to the United States for my studies, I initially harbored certain preconceptions about American culture and its academic environment. Coming from a highly commercialized background in a bustling Asian metropolis, my perception was shaped by the stories of relentless ambition and rapid innovation often associated with the U.S., particularly in the realms of technology and finance. This view was not just based on media portrayals but also influenced by the global reputation of U.S. institutions and businesses as pioneers at the forefront of technological advancements and economic leadership.

Upon immersing myself in the academic and social fabric of the US, particularly through my experiences at Lafayette College and the internships I undertook, my perception began to evolve. My initial belief in the singular focus on technological and financial innovation as the core of American culture expanded to appreciate a deeper, more nuanced reality. This realization was partly due to my academic pursuits in Economics and Computer Science, where I studied economic theories and quantitative models. My studies went beyond the textbooks, allowing me to appreciate the strong relationship between individual behavior and economic progress, highlighting a broader societal commitment to using innovation for social impact.

This broader perspective was further reinforced during my internship experiences at various financial and technology firms. Working on investment assessment cases, particularly with a PE firm, exposed me to projects that were not just financially promising but also socially impactful. One notable project was the evaluation of a Singaporean company specializing in advanced direct-drive motors. This experience was transformative, as it showcased the potential of analytics not only in identifying viable business opportunities but also in assessing their broader impact on society. It was a clear demonstration of how American businesses and academic institutions are not just chasing economic success but are deeply invested in leveraging innovation for the greater good.

Moreover, my personal challenges and achievements, such as the expedition in Alaska, added another layer to my evolving perception. The physical and emotional ordeal of traversing glaciers and summits with heavy loads was a metaphor for the challenges one faces in unfamiliar environments. This experience taught me that limitations are often self-imposed and that a strong mindset can overcome physical constraints. It was a powerful reminder that the American spirit, as I came to understand it, is not just about innovation and progress but also about resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence against all odds.

Looking ahead, my aspiration to work as a junior analyst for an impact investment business reflects this nuanced understanding. It is not just about being at the cutting edge of financial analytics but about contributing to initiatives that enhance social welfare and industrial innovation. The analytical skills and methodologies I aim to acquire through further education, such as the Financial Technology Analytical, are tools I intend to use not just for personal or corporate gain but for the broader societal good.

In summary, my immersion in American culture and the academic environment has broadened my perspective from a singular focus on innovation and economic leadership to a more comprehensive appreciation of the U.S.’s commitment to using these strengths for social impact. This journey has transformed my initial perception and equipped me with a deeper understanding of the responsibilities that come with technological and financial prowess. As I continue this path, I carry with me the lessons learned and the inspiration drawn from both my academic pursuits and personal challenges, ready to contribute to a future where innovation serves not just the economy but society at large.









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