PSU Crushes UMich in Season Opener

With a final score of PSU 22 Mich 7 it’s easy to call the Nittany Lions season opener a blowout. #9 Penn State took on unranked Michigan at University Park, PA on Saturday Feb 8th. Michigan’s freshman goalie Robbie Zenino stood little chance against PSU’s leading scorers Surgies (6-1), Sanders (5) and Baier (3). Zenino letting in 11 goals before being subbed for Mike D’Alessio who also allowed 11 PSU goals in the second half. This game marked the third straight PSU win over the Maize and Blue with the 22 goals scored marking the highest number put on the board for the Penn since 1990.


Notable Goals: .26 seconds, .45 seconds, 1.07 seconds and 1.17 seconds

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