"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

California Isn’t Dumping Pesticides

“Relax- California Isn’t About to Dump Pesticides on Organic Farms”

There’s been a rumor going around that California Department of Food and Agriculture is planning to spray pesticides on organic farms, forcing them to go conventional. What the truth of the matter is, that the state put a new environmental impact report that details everything it does in pest control.  Pretty cool read!

Relax — California isn’t about to dump pesticides on organic farms


  1. Amanda Leaman

    I can’t believe the though of dumping pesticides on organic farms has even crossed peoples’ minds! It’s just like dumping salt on soil… you completely ruin the growing conditions of the crops. I know the purpose of the article isn’t about this, but it’s sad that competition between conventional farms and organic farms could potentially lead to problems such as this instead of the conventional farms adapting to organic methods themselves.

  2. Samantha Gleich

    I have heard of other stories like this! It is so disgusting and disturbing to think that the larger, conventional farms would do something like this. Over the summer I worked at a garden store that sold organic produce. The owners would constantly tell me about how the non-organic food producers would try to PAY the organic farms out of producing organic. In today’s world, with a growing preference towards organic goods, the conventional farmers are losing sales. By eliminating the organic competition, these conventional farmers and corporations are ultimately making more money, as citizens will often not have the option of buying organic.

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