"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

GMO lies debunked: Food labeling will not significantly raise prices for consumers – study

This article describes how GMO labeling will affect the average consumer. GMO labeling will increase the cost of food… by approximately $2.30 per person per year. A range of impact was given: $0.32 to $15.01, with $2.30 being the median cost increase. Previous studies stating that food costs would increase by hundreds of dollars a year were funded by major food manufacturers and retails, those who will be negatively impacted by GMO labeling. 64 nations have already mandated GMO labeling, without any significant increase in food costs.

From this information, one can easily see that Californians were not justified in their decision not to pass legislative on GMO labeling. Public apprehension of increased food costs, apprehension stemming from the costly efforts of major corporations, has hindered our progress toward providing consumers with information to which they have a right.

States that have mandated GMO labeling are being sued by major corporations such as Monsanto and General Mills. The fact these companies are permitted to sue a state over something that should be public knowledge, knowledge that should be mandated by the government, is a disgrace to our society and the way we do business. As GMO labeling will not stop these companies from selling their products, and as many consumers will continue to purchase those products, there is no reason as to why the foods should not be labeled with adequate information on their origins.


  1. Art Attackk

    Table 4 shows the average WTB from the raw data and the predicted WTB using estimates from Table 3 holding all other covariates at their mean levels. The predicted WTB are close to actual WTB from raw data, which means presentation order is the main driver of the changes in WTB. Art Attackk

  2. almerc

    I think that Americans were so willing to believe that GMO labeling would increase the cost of food because most people do not have any idea about what GMOs are. It would be SO easy for companies to add this labeling- think about it, they add the words “new” and “improved” and “50% more” to their labels all the time. The food industry will do anything to keep the majority of Americans in the dark about GMOs so they can continue to make money.

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