"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Poland to Import Waste from Salvador


A shipment of 72 metric tons of toxic agricultural waste is on its way to be processed in Poland. Why? The prime minister of Poland’s response was that “other facilities in Europe are already overloaded.”

Lets take a step back here: El Salvador, which is located in Central America is shipping its waste across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. Why send their toxic waste so far away? The deal is apparently worth $88 million euros. Poland’s facility apparently is the only available facility that meets international standards.

This all seems a little fishy to me, and the area’s residents are already protesting.The town’s City Hall has expressed concern and a lack of understanding for the decision by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection to allow the transport of waste into Poland. It also requested an in-depth analysis of the procedures issued by the Chief Inspector.


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  5. Jeremy Cooley

    Rachel I completely agree this deal seems insane from an economics standpoint because El Salvador a relatively poor country in the global sphere is shipping their waste to Poland a relatively wealthy country. This example is opposite of what usually happens too. Typically, the wealthy countries send their waste to poor countries to store.

  6. Rachel Barron

    This seems crazy! I never liked the fact that NYC waste is shipped up to my area but the fact that waste is now being shipped over seas says something. We clearly need to stop wasting as much and/or stop producing throw-away-able things. The article was very short and leaves a lot of questions left to answer. When I tried googling other articles, I couldn’t find much else which makes this whole statement seem very odd to me.

    An interesting side note: when I googled, the second hit was this exact post!

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