"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Solar and Wind Energy Start to Win on Price vs. Conventional Fuels


This article makes renewable energy sources seem plausible in the price driven world we live in. The cost of providing electricity from wind and solar sources has plummeted over the last five years, so much so that in some markets renewable generation is less expensive than coal and natural gas in some instances.

However, it is only appears to be cheaper because of the government subsidies that exist. My question is whether government subsidies are actually a sustainable method to get people to live more greenly.


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  14. Jeremy Cooley

    Wind is already just as cost efficient as most other fossil fuels, we probably don’t even need government subsidies to start building them. The issue with wind however is that they take up a lot of space and are somewhat of an eye-sore for the landscape. In this regard a subsidy may need be needed to push people past its negatives. Nevertheless, I like wind and I think it would complement solar very well in the future.

  15. Rachel Barron

    I agree with Miranda. I think that government subsidies only go so far and I think it’s going to be a very long time before everyone gets on board with alternate energy. I know there are more people now than ever before and lots of new inventions and ideas are coming out on how to make it cheaper but people just don’t work that way. It is going to take a long time to implement the infrastructure for enough windmills or solar panels to give as much energy as the world consumes. This is not going to happen any time soon and people don’t know how to handle a long term gratification- they want gratification here and now.

  16. Michael Beyer

    My thought on this are that subsidies can only get you so far in our society. With such an ingrained industry in our culture of oil, I believe that it will be difficult to make a significant shift in where we get our energy from even if alternatives are cheaper and better for the environment. The way or infrastructure is set up, cars need oil, people need oil, and people rely on the jobs provided by coal plants. These are only a few examples of the way multiple factors are keeping us tied to harmful fuels. I do hope that as time progresses, our infrastructure will shift, but I think time will tell.

  17. Miranda Wilcha

    The companies that sign the power purchase agreements… would they be like Green Mountain Energy that’s down at the farmer’s market? It certainly helps to subsidize sustainable energy, especially if the change to greener energies is dependent on the consumer. I mean, as a college student, sometimes it’s hard even to choose the more expensive recycled-paper toilet paper instead of cheaper brands. I’m sorry that my cheapness affects the planet. That said, how high will fossil fuel prices have to hike upwards before more companies see the benefit of purchasing wind/solar power instead?

  18. Brittany Flynn

    I think these government subsidies are very helpful and can move the public towards sustainable energy. The subsidies on solar energy have been great in allowing more households to use it as their energy source. I just hope that solar energy subsidies are still in play when I build my own house.

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