Sights Worth Seeing

Yesterday morning when I woke up at 7:30, my morning routine was pretty standard- got up, washed my face, got changed, made breakfast, packed my bag. As it approached 8:20, my cell phone went on the kitchen table, where it would be staying for the majority of the day. When I traveled to New Zealand over interim, I essentially had no phone or internet access for 3 weeks, so the thought of not having my phone wasn’t too terrifying- but that was me being halfway across the world, on a completely different time zone (who was I going to talk to?)  and still having access to my cell phone for photos. When I told my parents our class was going on a kayaking trip their response was “have fun, send lots of picture.” So going into the trip the not having a phone for pictures was a little unsettling.

Once we got on the river, ie Lori and I in a tandem kayak- a kayak that seemed to really favor any direction but straight (disclaimer it may have or may not have been the paddlers who were the cause of this), I noticed we kept mentioning to each other that we wished we could have taken photos. However, as we continued to paddle down the Delaware River we saw some magnificent sights. One of my favorites was the fawn that was running up and down the bank of the river. It just so happened that as our kayak directing us to right, we were able to see through the brush a baby fawn prancing through the brush. Another sight I personally enjoyed was the heron that was perched on a rock that was partially submerged in the river. My family has recently moved to Sanibel Island in Florida,a place where the wildlife is outstanding and something the island is really proud of. When we are down there, my parents are always bird watching, and one of their favorite birds to look out for is the Blue Heron. In our house we have many pictures, sculptures etc of herons. So that sight was particularly exciting to me. However, my absolute favorite moment of the trip was when we saw the ducklings, who had yet to molt, trying to fly. Lori and I actually stopped paddling so we could watch the ducklings as they propelled themselves down the river in attempt to get themselves up in the air. It was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.

When I woke up yesterday morning I was uneasy about not being able to take photos on the trip, however I am grateful that I didn’t have the opportunity. I’ve seen this when my family goes on vacation, sometimes taking photos causes us to miss the full experience. We get so wrapped up in trying to get the perfect picture that our experiences aren’t the same. I also see it even more when I go to do something with my friends, sometimes it feels like the only reason they want to go is “for the Instagram,” and not for the experience. They spend the whole time we are there trying to get the perfect shot and find the perfect filter that by the time they are done they haven’t even gotten to experience the event (but don’t worry, they usually end up getting a satisfactory number of likes on their photo that it makes the “experience” worth it).  If we were to have had our phones on this trip I definitely would have missed out on a lot of the wildlife I saw on the river. I also wouldn’t have been in touch as much with all my senses. One moment that really stands out to me was right when we were about to unload the kayaks from the river and we were able to hear the bird callings. The sound was so magnificent, radiant and consumed the air. Although the other group of people who were floating down the river were disruptive to us and our group discussion, it was in a way nice to have them as a way to compare our experiences and to help me appreciate what we had just experienced. I can guarantee the other group of people missed opportunities and experiences (like the bird calls) that I was able to have.

Take Take Take

While reading Leopold’s Flambeau I began to think about this take take take relationship we have with nature. In this piece Leopold discusses how the soil so wonderful for the lumber industry was also great to the dairy industry that took off in this place. So first this industry takes some land from this wildlife. As this dairy industry grew the dairy farmers demanded more electricity, so in order to gain this they needed a dam to generate more power and took away from this wildlife once again. It seems to be that if our society can benefit we will take take take without too much of a second thought about the impacts.

This mention in Flambeau made me think specifically about how this applies to the dams we are looking at on the Bushkill Creek as well. At some point the Bushkill was uninterrupted by dams, the trout could migrate as they please, and the water could flow freely. However, as Easton developed and expanded, the city took more land and further exploited the Bushkill area for economic benefit. In the 1800s a variety of mills popped up along the Bushkill, utilizing its water to power their industries. We took from this system and now the remaining, abandoned dams continue to impede the Bushkill even though we do not make use of them anymore. In class we have discussed the proposed removal of these dams, and that the process is moving for which is great news. I hope that this goes through soon; I think it would be nice to feel as though we could give back some of what we have taken.

I found this link with a gallery of old mills, and some of them were on the Bushkill Creek if you get a chance to explore the Pennsylvania category!

Viewing vs Doing in Yellowstone

Last winter my family went on vacation to Yellowstone National Park. I had visited Yellowstone previously in the summer and let me say, it is even more wild and beautiful in the winter. The total remoteness and ruggedness of the terrain and the general inaccessibility to most of the park makes the experience feel so much more real. The reason that this was my family winter vacation was because 30 years previously, my parents had gone winter camping in the park. Stories of their experience then versus what I experienced last year were so incredibly different.

My parent’s experience was very much in the back country. They were snowshoeing and cross country skiing with all of their gear. There were snow holes where supplies had been buried earlier in the season that they had to find and dig out. They were lead by a guide in a small group with other people but they were still very much out in the wild, doing everything themselves. My trip was much more domesticated. We stayed in a lodge with running water and a restaurant. When we went on excursions lead by guides we were either on snowmobiles or snow tanks. These trips were so much more about getting to the destination and viewing the natural wonder than exploring on our own and stumbling upon the beauty of the park. I still loved my experience in Yellowstone but hearing about the possibilities of other opportunities of how to see the park left me feeling unsatisfied. It is something that I aspire to do some day in the future.

Rivers Connect Us – and some pics

Hi guys and gals, if you check out the American Rivers link on the Moodle site, you may notice that the subtitle of their logo says “Rivers Connect Us”. Think about that idea as you are pondering the other “things to ponder” on page 3 of the trip handout. Does nature connect us too? BTW, the American Rivers logo used to say “Thriving by Nature”

PS dont forget to include Categories in your posts (for this one I selected Water and Rivers)

About to set out

About to set out

Down the Flambeau...I mean the Delaware

Down the Flambeau…I mean the Delaware

On and Off the Path

Something that nagged in my mind as I read the Walker Percy portions regarding leaving the beaten path and how that is the only real way to recover the creature is that every time I go somewhere quintessentially scenic or notorious, I push the limits of how far into it I can go. I’m not sure that makes sense in that phrasing but I think I have always been fairly dissatisfied with the structures of limitation that exist in beautiful places worth visiting. For example, if I go to the edge of the ocean, I want to touch the water. If I’m hiking a mountain, I want to stand as close to the cliff as I can without falling. It is in these places where I feel it is most possible to *feel* whatever it is you’re supposed to feel when you seek out a beautiful place.

When we continued to talk about this desire and almost necessity to be off the path, Professor Brandes mentioned Mesa Verde and how suffocating it is have to be guided or otherwise limited. This is something I have noticed mostly in family-friendly destinations in the US. The endless signs and railings and walls and fences not only disrupt the views in my mind, they also detract from the experience by forcing instruction and restriction where I feel instruction and restriction ought not be necessary. I understand that a lot of things are safety precautions and I honestly got used to them to the point where I scarcely noticed them as obtrusively as I once did.

Until my family visited Ireland a few summers ago. Nowhere that we went had a railing, and the few places that had signs bore signage that was far more common sense and far less belittling. I remember lying on the edge of a rock face at the Cliffs of Moher with my younger sister trembling with the knowledge (and the cold) that I could be blown away into the sea (and to my death) at any moment. It was a beautiful memorable moment to the core because there I was at this supremely touristy destination and yet no one was guarding it or telling me what to photograph or what not to touch or where not to be. I experienced this glory again this past summer when my family returned again to the motherland and hiked up to Dun Anghasa on Innis More, Aran Islands. The ruins of the fort are built up to the edge of a massive ocean-viewing cliff and there is nothing to prevent anyone from sprinting and leaping if they so choose. No cameras, no guards, not even a sign. Until my father made it up and nearly fainted seeing my mom, sister and I perched on the ledge, we were completely in awe at our proximity to such natural danger and beauty.

I wish that more places within my reasonable regions of access were like this at home. I definitely felt that parks were less restrictive in the Western United States but I still felt as though the quantity of people and especially children made me feel like I needed to be on guard at times. I think I would have liked to hung out with Walker Percy and learned more about his thoughts on the presence and importance of man’s relation to nature.

Learning How to Grade

We discussed breaking the mold in class today. This included trying to see outside of the “packaging” that Percy talks about in his article. We especially seemed to focus on the education system in the USA. Education in our country has always been under fire for being one of the worst of developed nations. Many under countries outperform us in almost all subjects.

However, I do not think it is necessarily education that is the culprit. The problem comes with grades; how do we quantify learning in an accurate way? How can we reflect what we have learned in a way that accurately displays all the different facets of education?

For example, to tie this into nature, someone who has lived their whole life out in the wild is perfectly capable of surviving by themselves. Think Tarzan. Not the most eloquent fellow, and yet he still is educated in a way that most people are not and has the skills necessary to live on his own.

Based on our system of education and grading, Tarzan would be considered a dolt. Even though he can provide for himself and was relatively happy with his life which is one definition of success.

Outside In

Now I realize this class is about nature and the outdoors but I’m going to write about being inside. I decided to write this when I was walking through my house and looked in one of the other guys rooms and noticed he had a large rubber plant right next to his door.

Now apart from the strange smell, (turns out he spilled his watering jug and the smell was a wet carpet) the plant was actually a pretty cool addition to the room.rubberplant

It is pretty well known that having plants indoors is good for things like air purification because they absorb CO2 that our bodies produce and then produce oxygen themselves. But in addition to physical benefits, plants might offer mental benefits, as well. Studies have shown having ornamental plants in the home or workplace can improve memory and efficiency. While getting outside and exploring nature everyday might not be realistic, having a piece of nature in your room or home can help keep that connection with Nature all the time.

Approved Circumstances

“Seeing the canyon under approved circumstances is seeing the symbolic complex head on.”

Upon reading this sentence in “The Loss of the Creature”, I felt overwhelmingly compelled to exclaim “THIS IS THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING ABOUT TRAVELING!” Of course everyone gets annoyed by tourists who are so clearly touring for superficial reasons, but some attractions, which may have incredible value to visit, are only available if you abide by “approved circumstances.” Additionally, many travelers may not know enough or feel comfortable enough to bypass said approved circumstances. While in Prague, I became frustrated by visitors who essentially thought Prague was a quarter of the size it really is because that quarter is the most photographed, historical, and symbolic place that people think of when someone says “Prague.” I would try to coax visiting friends out of this bubble, but the first question they always had was “is it safe that far away from the city center?” I found this misconception that the place less photographed and less present in the collective world mind is somehow unsafe and unfit for visitors. I feel that Percy would agree in that assertion since he discusses that learning the theory of or how an individual or thing should be can so significantly detract from ones experience of said thing.

Although this phenomenon rings true with visitors to Prague, I found that the most painful to watch obliviousness to true experience happens in Amsterdam. The common tourist thinks of two things when they hear the name “Amsterdam”: prostitutes and marijuana. For that reason, the red light district of Amsterdam has become a vile cesspool for shallow tourists who spend a ton of time and money without experiencing one bit of the true meaning of Amsterdam. On my one walk through the red light district, I kept hearing people saying they were going to have the time of their life because they were going to experience the only two things that could possibly be valuable to do in Amsterdam: seeing naked women through windows and legally (kinda) getting stoned.

I agree wholeheartedly with Percy’s critique of tourists, but in a way, I’m glad this is the case. If every tourist was trying to experience the true essence of a place by spontaneously exploring and leaving expectations behind, they wouldn’t be so conveniently quarantined to the most recognizable places and I wouldn’t be able to avoid them so successfully.


Floating on the Water

In preparation for Saturday’s kayaking trip, I felt it appropriate to reflect on my past experiences rafting and kayaking because they happen to be some of my favorite travel memories.
My first experience kayaking was in Spain, on the ocean. I was terrified I would drift off into the open ocean and get lost. I did not want to do it. I was 16. Of course I was able to get over the fear I had enough to get into the kayak and head out onto the water. Halfway to wear we were heading, a group of Spanish kids flipped us over. The kayak was so heavy we could barely get it to flip back over. I remember being amazed at how it was able to float (and how boats could float). The waves and the lack of sea floor below us made it all the more difficult, and brought be back to all the terrifying thoughts I was having earlier. After finally getting back into our kayak, we headed off to meet our class in peace. I had a new fear of the ocean but great trust in my life vest and kayak now. We didn’t go far before turning around to head back to shore.
A little more adventurous and outdoorsy the summer I turned 20 I spent a week on Lake George in New York. My family has a cabin there. Every morning, and sometimes again in the afternoon, my friend and I went out onto the lake in the kayaks. It was early summer so the lake was quiet. We saw many birds and admired the mountains. It was peaceful floating on the water.
A few weeks later, I landed myself in Costa Rica with my family, spending one day rafting down the Savage River. The water was so warm, the scenery was pristine. I couldn’t have been happier that day. Our guide taught us all about the history of the area, the people who lived there and he pointed out so many different animals on our trip down. He had grown up in the valley. Our guide also seemed to be one with the water, he knew how the waves and turbulence would effect the boat and even did tricks for us. The rapids were lower grade, generally level 3 but some were up to level 5, but I wasn’t at all afraid like I had been in the ocean. I was loving the ‘pura vida’ life.
There is nothing like being on a small floating kayak or raft to make you feel one with nature, or at least with the water. It is humbling to feel the power that is found in nature and to be able to work with it to become closer to it.


For those unfamiliar with Lafayette’s campus, there is a collection of toddlers that attend daycare on the hill. They are often seen roaming around the quad, struggling to balance their bodies, wobbling as they go. For this trait of being toddlers on the quad- they have been designated as “Quadlers” by Lafayette’s students. These Quadlers bring great joy to Lafayette, running around carefree on the quad. We see them on our way to class, or when we are staring out at the quad when we are in Skillman and should be doing homework.

These little humans are just starting to appreciate the world- the distinction between nature and civilization means nothing to them. They have no concept of weather patterns, why the sun comes up every morning, or why the grass is green. For a variety of reasons, children today are spending much less time outside than the previous generation did. This means that children have fewer opportunities to enjoy the sensory and learning experiences of feeling a breeze or squishing mud through fingers and toes.

Going outside is the highlight of the day for Quadlers. A great deal of learning is happening as the children watch and interact with their environment. The classroom is not the only learning environment, and it is important to go outside and be able to recognize this.