Mushrooms- a beautiful perspective

Last semester in Professor Toia’s drawing class we were exposed to some of his art collection, and this included his spore art works. Here is a description from a gallery he was featured in:

“Over the past decade, Toia has cultivated his interest in mushrooms and the physical capture of their spores. His spore drawings are unique examples of his partnership with nature. Decades ago, he saw his first scientific spore print. In a controlled environment, a mycologist allows a mushroom to drop its spores for the purpose of scientific study. Toia’s spore drawings are deliberately executed under less controlled conditions. His manipulations combined with chance occurrences lead to surprising results and unworldly imagery. Only a few of his numerous attempts pass his rigorous standards of approval for his art.”


How do we dissect this form of artwork? How natural is it? Is Toia’s art more natural than other’s spore art because he depends on mother nature for a worthy piece? (such as shape of mushroom, how much spore it drops, and the way air flows over the piece to give the paper its detail)

Being Caribou Movie Review

While watching the movie there was a constant theme of bringing up how they wanted to drill for oil in the caribou’s calving grounds. I think this was an important political statement, but the George Bush figurine was a little too much. By satirizing the moving and President Bush, you completely deter Bush supporters from supporting your cause. If this element had been eliminated it may have been a more effective statement. That being said, no good movie is ever completely unbiased.

The narrators also talk a lot about how they feel like they are intruding on this natural space. They go to great lengths to leave the caribou undisturbed. This causes me to question what does this young couple see humans role in nature as? Do they think people should visit this place? Do they think that no one should ever come here?

I did not believe the people at Hawk Mountain when they said that Golden Eagles could take down entire deer, but this movie proves that wrong. The Golden Eagle wounds the calf, and then presumably goes back to eat him later.

I liked the circular effect of the documentary. It shows you their struggle of reentering society, an adjusting to the noises of city life. You can really feel Leanne’s emotion in her final plea to save the caribou.


Passages of Interest- Reinventing Eden

“The earth is an agent of regeneration. Death is transformed into life through a reunification of the corn mother’s body with the earth. Even death therefore results in a higher good” (133).

“We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, and winding streams with tangled growth as ‘wild.’ Only the white man was nature a wilderness and only to him was the land ‘infested’ with ‘wild animals and ‘savage’ people. To us it was tame, Earth was bountiful..” (145)- Chief Luther Standing Bear

“In the Western tradition it is fallen nature in opposition to which male science and technology are directed. The good state that keeps unruly nature in check is invented, engineered, and operated by men. The good economy that organizes the labor needed to restore the garden is likewise a male-directed project”. (137)

Hunting on Facebook

sammy deerI just wanted to share a recent Facebook post from my family friend who is a deer hunter. I’m not entirely sure what the second sentence in his post means, but I think it has to do with shooting off some piece of the buck before he actually got it. I was wondering what the general thoughts may be on the kinds of pictures in this post, the fact that he posted it on Facebook in the first place, and his commentary.

A Trip to the Zoo

During class the other day it was discussed that perhaps zoos and taxidermy displays are similar. While animals are killed, taxidermied, and often put on display for our viewing, animals at zoos are put on display in small enclosures for our viewing. This idea resonated with me while on my conservation biology class trip to the Lehigh Valley Zoo. Initially as the guide started pulling animals out in an exhibit room I felt this way. I felt as though these animals were be kept in cages, handled, and shown for our benefit. However, after reading more about this zoo and hearing about this zoo from the guides and Doc R, I found this zoo does not keep animals just to display them. The Lehigh Valley Zoo is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) meaning it emphasizes the importance of conservation to guests, contributes to field conservation, and contributes, participates in, and initiates wildlife conservation programs at home and in the field.

As Erik mentioned in his earlier post on the zoo, the Lehigh Valley Zoo contains more than 294 animal ambassadors representing 88 species, 24 of which are considered to be endangered, threatened, or species of concern. The endangered and threatened species at this zoo are bred in captivity to contribute to the Species Survival Plan (SSP). The SSP is a plan in which threatened and endangered species at zoos have their genetics cataloged and mates that will produce offspring with genes most beneficial for contributing to the specie’s gene pool are matched across the nation. The resulting higher diversity gene pool gives species a better chance of surviving and re-establishing numbers to deliver them from the endangered and threatened classification. The guide specifically told us a great deal about this program in relation to their Black-Footed African Penguins since they currently have a female mate in from a zoo in New York for one of their males in hopes they will produce viable offspring due to their compatible genes. Unfortunately their offspring will be sent to another zoo for breeding, but the hope is that that next generation could be placed in the wild to help bring numbers back up. As well, the remaining species here that are not part of SSP are either being studied for conservation research or they came here due to injury that prevents them from surviving in the wild. Hearing about this program and the reasons why the animals at the Lehigh Valley Zoo are there shed some light on zoos for me, as I realized the ultimate goal of this zoo is to benefit the species, conserve nature, and educate the public about conservation.


This is a Prehensile Porcupine (Coendou prehensilis), one of the SSP species at the Lehigh Valley Zoo.

Eastern Screech Owl

Injured Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio)

Despite the good intentions of this place to conserve species and educate others about conservation, it was saddening to see these animals in captivity are put on display; it would appear that is trade off for zoos to have the funding for conserving and caring for these species. It is unfortunate that one of our methods for conserving endangered and threatened species involves the captivity of individuals, but hopefully this is worth it and will benefit these species in the long run.

Expectations, Honesty, and Their Role on an Experience


This past Sunday I went on the Hawk Mountain and Cabela’s trip by myself. As I was preparing to leave around midday I could tell I was not going to see very many raptors. The air was warm and the conditions were not prime for migration. I didn’t let this discourage me though, I dressed in layers and started my drive to Hawk Mountain. In the early afternoon I arrived at the Hawk Mountain Visitor Center, and after going in to pay, I decided to leave the center and start my hike and try to explore the various lookouts. I only had until dusk to see as much as possible, so that was my plan.

The first thing I noticed while starting my trek was the variety of age groups and how they were prepared for their own experience. There were many parents with their young children, elderly couples with binoculars, teenagers, and an assortment of others as well. It was a bit of a surprise to me how few people I saw with binoculars, but I thought to myself that this was the initial part of the trail maybe I’d see more as I continued on. I wasn’t in any position to judge because I didn’t own a pair of binoculars; I had hit the trails with just my field notebook, a pen, the reading and trip over view, and a trail guide.

As I continued the hike I was starting to get a little disappointed. The further in I went the more Hawk Mountain seemed like just a tourist destination, where I had been expecting it to be a more secluded entity where only interested bird watchers would go. I started to try to avoid the other people on the mountain. After about five minutes of hiking I came across the Bald Lookout and, seeing it was mostly empty, decided it would be my first real stop. Climbing over the scattered rocks I got myself to the edge and sat down. I was there for approximately twenty to thirty minutes, simply enjoying the silence and the view. Around this time a group of four or five teenagers showed up and it became clear within seconds it was time for me to find a new location. The first thing out of the mouths of the group was, “take a picture of us on this rock.” They were loud and slightly obnoxious. Realizing this group was going to subtract from my appreciation of the lookout I left having not seen a single bird, let alone any raptors.

After leaving the Bald Lookout I continued up the trail towards the fork separating the Sunset Overlook from the North Lookout. I was becoming even more discouraged the further I went up. I seemed to only see families and younger individuals ascending the mountain. The people descending were elderly couples, folks with binoculars, general people who appeared to fit the mold I was expecting Hawk Mountain to be filled with. When I finally reached the fork in the trail I took the path towards the North Lookout. From my observations I had seen less of the tourist crowd headed in that direction, it was my hope that there would be less people on this trail. Shortly after heading to the North Lookout I came upon to Kettle View, and seeing it empty, I once again decided to stop.

Just like I had at Bald Lookout, I climbed out as far as I could and still be able to sit comfortably. I honestly couldn’t be sure how long I sat at Kettle View, but I did not see a single raptor. I did not mind though. The size and location of Kettle View, the view from this lookout, and the general traffic at this point started to seem more like my expectations. It was a smaller overlook that came across as more secluded. As I sat on a large rock I started to hear a lot of noise from rustling leaves. I took my eyes off the view and started to look around, wondering if it was someone approaching or an animal nearby. Soon enough the animal emerged; it was a tiny little field mouse scuttling around. This siting caused my mind to wander. I was curious if this mouse would be a raptor’s breakfast or dinner in one of the upcoming days. It continued to appear and disappear during the duration of my time at Kettle View.

Once I tired of Kettle View, I moved on to the North Lookout. I initially was discouraged by the amount of people I saw from a distance but as I got closer I realized many of the people were staff of Hawk Mountain. The few people there who weren’t employees of the mountain were mostly quiet, observing the skies. There were a few children with their parents who were being noisy and disruptive but the parents attempted to keep them in line. Although I stayed at this look out until nearly 4 P.M. the only birds I managed to witness was a small gathering of what I assumed were finches. I could not tell from the distance they were at, but I overheard the employees talking about finches a few minutes before I had seen them. It was interesting watching people interact at the North Lookout. For most of the day I didn’t notice people in different groups interacting, with the exception of passersby saying hello to each other, they mostly kept to themselves. At the North Lookout though I noticed visitors interacting with the mountain employees, asking questions and having conversations about what they are seeing or missing. The North Lookout had been the most respectful which helped to eliminate some of the tourist attraction feel Hawk Mountain had been emanating the whole day. Once satisfied with my exploration of the mountain, I went back to observe the Visitor Center.

The visitor center I think was a good representative of Hawk Mountain itself. On the one hand it was extremely informative and appeared to only care about informing visitors of the various raptors that could be seen from different lookout spots. At the same time it gave off this very tourist attraction feel. On the opposite side of the center, where the store was, they were selling stuffed animals, clothing, children’s books, and bird feeders. Many of these things, I noticed, are contributors to anthropomorphism. I couldn’t help but wonder what Sterba would have thought about it. I was also curious to know how many young people actually read any of the facts in the visitor center. If I was a child I know I would have instantly gone over to the store to explore before thinking about looking at the information in the displays. While I believe that Hawk Mountain portrayed nature as a place to be observed and appreciated, I feel it subtracted from itself by drawing in people who could be seen as “the masses,” individuals not there to appreciate nature as we have studied it in class but to gawk at as if it were a picture in a museum.

As Rachel Carson points out in Silent Spring, specifically her chapter And No Bird Sings, birds have a significant impact on the ecosystem they live in. In the chapter she explains that, in the attempt to save the elms, we are actually killing them. By spraying insecticide, we are killing and poisoning the insects that are eat by various bird species. This, in turn, is poisoning and killing the various birds in the region that rely on the insects as a food source. Once the birds start dying off, the insects, that are mostly surviving the various chemicals, are still there to transfer diseases from tree to tree. Carson explains that, although it isn’t the as explicit with other species, eagles and hawks that migrate along the coast are starting to die off from DDT and other insecticides poisoning them. She mentions that counters that track the population of various species have noted smaller numbers of various birds of prey using Hawk Mountain as an example of a site where the numbers of reported sightings has decreased. These decreased sightings also mean a less healthy ecosystem. Birds of prey in an area is a sign of a balanced ecosystem. If they are in a particular area it is a sign there is flourishing life for them to feed on. This is not to say if there is no raptors in the area there is no food just that the environment isn’t necessarily balanced. If no predators live in an area than there is no population control of its prey. Without any form of population control ecosystems are doomed to fail.

Cabela’s was a completely different environment than Hawk Mountain. It portrayed a different view of nature. At Hawk Mountain humans were separate from what was around them, viewing it as an outsider in a respectful manner. On the other hand Cabela’s portrayed a version of nature where humans and nature interacted but not with mutual respect. Although I do believe that a decent amount of Cabela’s loyal customer base has a respect for nature, the store paints the picture of humans trying to tame it as opposed to work with it. Cabela’s customer base tend to be hunters and fishermen and women, because of this many of the things the store sells and displays revolve around these two hobbies. These activities have the inherent nature, in today’s society, to be a controlling activity. In a world where one doesn’t need to hunt or fish for food, the respect behind the activity is almost all but lost. A prime example of this is the various animals that had been stuffed and displayed around the store. They were stuffed and posed to paint the portrait the store wanted. A taxidermist controlled the once wild creature that the hunters brought to them.

One of my favorite things about Cabela’s was how they combined the living fish with the mounted and stuffed wildlife. Although fish taxidermy exists, it is extremely difficult. Plus when a taxidermist mounts a fish, it typically mounted on a wall which would not give the same feel for the countless customers taking pictures with the mounted displays as having live fish swimming in a pond full of stuffed ducks floating around. I thought it was interesting how the store tried to compensate for not having mounted fish by having the aquarium. It allows them to appeal to their fisherman customer base. It was definitely a funny, but understandable, aspect of the store’s mountain display.

Walking around the clothing section of Cabela’s was interesting as well. All their clothing brands were outdoors brands such as Carhartt, North Face, Under Armor, Timberland, Cabela’s brand, Wrangler, Columbia, etc. This was expected, what made it interesting was how the target demographic was reached. All the men and boys were typical camouflage, the women’s clothing, however, all had a conventional “girl color” added to it. Even the baby clothes had this motif. I observed the “boys” baby jumper was clad in camouflage while the “girls” jumper was purple and had sparkly lettering on it. The store definitely was feeding into a stereotypical notion of gender roles.

Another interesting thing I noticed was the holiday themed gifts Cabela had on display. Because it is the holiday season there were many Christmas themed gifts throughout the store. Originally I noticed prepacked snacks for hunters to eat while they are in their blinds for hours. This is an understandable gift. I also noticed displays for field kits that allowed you to make quick jerky of various animals you have just hunted. Again this didn’t take me too much by surprise. The gift display that stopped me in my tracks, do a double take, and walk back to get another look at it was pork skin candy canes. I was in shock. I am very aware people enjoy eating pork skin and pork rinds but I was not expecting someone to make them into candy canes. Thinking about it now I am curious if they have a peppermint flavor like typical candy canes do? The candy canes followed the normal white, or in this case tan, and red swirled. I couldn’t help but wonder how my uncle would respond to me buying him any of these Christmas gifts.

For a while I have debated with myself which place I liked better. I am not sure if I have an answer to that question even now. I will say that I have a little more respect for Cabela’s than Hawk Mountain. The reasoning behind this is how honest I feel Cabela’s presents itself in comparison to Hawk Mountain. My experience was different than everyone else’s for a multitude of reasons including, but not limited to, the time of day I went, the group versus solo dynamic, the weather, etc. This may be the reason I have this opinion. I knew going to Cabela’s what I was getting myself into. I have actually driven past that specific Cabela’s every summer for nearly five years now, possibly even longer, when I drive home from my family’s annual trip to Knoebels Campground. Having relatives who hunt and shop at Cabela’s I had a general idea of the environment and the people that were going to be in the store. It was great watching people take pictures with the mounted animals and watch the fish swim around.  I felt Cabela’s was very true to itself, almost to the point of being satirical although it obviously is not.

Hawk Mountain, however, gave me the impression that it did not know fully what it was trying to be. It came across as both a tourist attraction and a museum. I know these two things do not have to be mutually exclusive, but it seems counter-intuitive. For me, my favorite part of Hawk Mountain was sitting on a ledge, by myself, and observing the skies. It was a reflective experience and made enjoyable through the silence and lake of disturbances. By being a tourist site, I feel that experience is detracted from. Having families with loud little kids or noisy teenagers around was disruptive. It subtracted from my enjoyment. Perhaps I am getting this impression because I wasn’t expecting Hawk Mountain to give me that feel. Unlike with Cabela’s, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I had expectations of a quiet, quaint environment. The only people I expected to be around were the truly dedicated raptor watchers. With that said, I thoroughly enjoyed Hawk Mountain and would like to go again on a day where the weather is more beneficial to seeing birds of prey and to give it another chance to be the place I expected it to be.

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Cultures of [swim meet] Nature?

On our field trip, I jokingly suggested to Professor Brandes that we make the swim team’s upcoming meet (on Friday, 6pm, Ruef Natatorium… just sayin’) a field trip to which he jokingly responded that I should figure out how it pertains to nature.

Naturally, while at practice two days later, I gave it some thought, and came up with a few things. Having grown up around lakes and ponds and oceans and pools, I’d never given much thought to how different pools are compared to the other three in their impacts on the environment. Actually, I still don’t really know much about their impacts on the environment, but it has occurred to me with increasing frequency and alarm that they probably aren’t that great. I know that the pool has a filter that cycles mostly the same water through the pools we use here but I also know that the pool and its machinery are quite old and probably not very efficient. I also wonder about the impacts of the chemicals we use to treat the pool and whether or not if we used fewer or different substances to maintain it’s cleanliness, could we use the water in other ways after its life in the pool was over (i.e. agriculture). I have also been observing that with the increased size of our diving team this year (from 3 divers to 7) the amount of hose water used to keep them warm while they wait between dives has dramatically increased. I watch them playing around with the hose in their overflowing kiddie pool and cringe. But does that water get cycled through too?

And what about the air quality, are we polluting the air on Hamilton street every time we open the door? Is the paint coating the walls of a safe quality? Will the upcoming renovations make the pool more efficient or will they harm the campus while they’re in their demolishing and rebuilding?

In a specific meet context especially, there are a number of unsustainable practices that go on in the name of sports without regard to nature. At every meet, there is inevitably an alarming number of plastic water bottles and gatorade bottles that goes around. And coaches tend to have snacks for their athletes, which are generally individually wrapped, bulk-purchased processed snacks. I would be interested in the the amount of waste generated by these events, and how much athletes, coaches, and spectators even notice.


Certainly the swim team would love an audience, and this is 100% a shameless plug to try to get you all interested in coming, but aside from the competition, I will definitely be continuing to pay attention to these thoughts and others in order to hopefully insert any improvements in the relationship between nature and the sport I love.

Saving Our Parks – Beginning the battle with local government

I am from Northern Westchester NY, the ‘suburbs’ of NYC. Regardless of the stereotype of  Westchester, the area near me is what my dad likes to call ‘rural suburbia’ because most of the houses have large areas of land surrounding them, including forests. I grew up in the outdoors, and it is something that is very important to my family and I.

This morning, I was startled to read on Facebook that Westchester County is planing on cutting budgets that support many protected areas, such as parks and nature centers, including Muscoot Farm, a place I spent many summers at camp. Here I was taught how to milk various animals, collect eggs from hens but also how to fish, hike and learned about the local ecology.

It is quite upsetting to hear about parks and centers like many of the ones in Westchester become defunded and in turn becoming abandoned, vandalized or generally just less educational, I truly believe that these places hold so much value educationally so I hope that grassroots efforts such as signing petitions and writing to local officials can have positive effects!

For reference, here is the petition:

Lehigh Valley Zoo

Going into my field trip to the zoo for conservation biology I had an very negative view of zoos. I do not enjoy seeing the animals trapped in small enclosures, and often worried that they were unhappy. Yet, my professor, Doctor Rothenberger, stressed that a lot had changed even in the last decade with zoos. She said that while they used to have a goal of simply entertaining those who visited, the new goal is to educate visitors while simultaneously promoting conservation through captive breeding programs.

Upon arriving at the zoo I found that Doc R had been correct. While I still saw some things I did not like, such as the sad kangaroo sleeping on cement below, there were also countless examples of education and conservation, some of which I included in the below pictures.


(Educational and conservation information about the golden eagle)IMG_1628

(The Mexican Wolf)


(A Sad Kangaroo)

The Lehigh Valley Zoo is home to more than 294 animal ambassadors representing 88 species, 24 of which are classified as endangered, threatened, or species of concern. It studies all of these animals to learn more about them, as well as participating in captive breeding for conservation purposes. As a member of the association of zoos and aquariums, the Lehigh Valley Zoo participates in the Species Survival Plan for all of its threatened or endangered species. These animals have their genes catalogued and then individuals are paired with the best match at any other zoo around the country that will create the most genetically diverse offspring. By demonstrating their conservation efforts to me, the lehigh valley zoo helped change my impressions of what a zoo is, and began to erase the moral stigma I held against zoos.