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Bottles Down

I am up for the challenge.  Not buying two water bottles from lower for no reason and substituting those items with a …

Step 3: One Drop at a Time

So far this sustainability challenge has gotten easier and easier over time. In the beginning I found it very difficult to cut …

Getting Around

In general, I have been able to find organic foods at the grocery store.  This mainly consists of organic meet (beef and …

Sustainable Caffeine

The most challenging aspect of this past week has been changing my routine.  There have been a few instances where I found …

1 Bottle-less Week

After spending the past week plastic water bottle-free, I felt challenged in the beginning but also pleasantly surprised at how quickly my …

Baby Steps

As I embark on the sustainable behavior challenge one thing becomes clear.  I should have told my roommates!  When I was assessing …

A Mess of Meat

By far the most difficult thing I encountered this week in maintaining a meatless diet was how busy my week was. Not …

Enjoying the Walk

Even the hardest things about not having a car on campus are minute compared to the benefits this entails. Being a small …

Moving into the Light

Well right after eating lunch I walked into my room with my friend Colton and he went to turn on the lights. …

Where’s my caramel drizzle?

It isn’t easy to give up something you love and have every day. Take coffee for example. I love coffee, especially iced …