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Eating With a Purpose

As I was pondering about a minute ago what to do to “increase benefits and reduce barriers” I looked up on my …

Reminders And Rewards….

Reminders. Those have been the biggest part of helping me along with this sustainability challenge. Changing habits that I have had for …

The Clock is Ticking

As the weeks of the sustainable challenge have gone by, I found myself getting used to showering for shorter amounts of time. …

Sweet Incentives

Thinking back on what I wrote about as barriers in Step 2 of this challenge, many of these barriers naturally disappeared. One …

Snoozing for shower time

As I mentioned in a previous post, long showers are my favorite kind of stress reliever. Your doctor suggests it when you’re …

Bottle Barriers

As I continue observing my new sustainable behavior of not wasting water bottles, I have found that focusing on making this new …

Life among the Truffulas…

This past week, I sat down to watch a movie on a Friday night.  That movie was Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax.  This …

Saving Pennies And The Planet

For the past two weeks, I have attempted to break down the barriers of laziness that lead to the consumption of plastic …

Money Makes it Better

Coming into this Sustainable Behavior challenge, I knew that the hardest part about achieving my goal would be knowing that each and …