Reminders And Rewards….

Reminders. Those have been the biggest part of helping me along with this sustainability challenge. Changing habits that I have had for years is something that is not very easy to do. It has taken a lot of focus and concentration that I am not usually good with to do so. To help me along I have added reminders. I have a post it on my charger that says, “are you sure you want to do this?” This has helped me multiple times because reminders like that can go along way. These reminders make me take a step back and make me ask myself do I want to us my charge now? This has been huge in helping me along in this challenge.

Something I might start doing is adding a daily alarm on my phone around the middle of the day that says something alone the lines of “using your phone to much today?” I honestly think having as many reminders as possible will help me along with this challenge. Having reminders like this will also help me settle in and gain habits and help these habits become natural, which is also huge. I think another huge challenge with this has been making using my phone less and charging it less a habit. The difficulty in changing habits I have had for years has been very hard but little by little it has gotten better and reminders have played a huge role in that.

I have not thought about the whole rewards parts of this challenge. To me the reward has been being more “there” or “in the moment by using my phone less. I also think that is has been very rewarding knowing that I have stuck with this challenge and done my part to be responsible about it and save energy while doing so. Ask anyone I know and they would tell you just how hard it would be for me to not use my phone as much. For me all these reasons are rewarding enough to keep going and keep sticking with this challenge.

Having my friends and especially my mom behind me while doing this challenge has made this challenge much easier for me as well. Whenever you have a “team” supporting and motivating you to keep going that helps more then words can express. All of this along with the reminders that I have started to use and the rewarding end of this has made this experience and challenge more then worth it. Will I keep trying to do this challenge when our assignment is done? I would say yes. I think it is much healthier for myself and the environment for me to use my phone less and that is more then enough reason for me to keep going and getting better at this challenge.


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