The Clock is Ticking

Save Water!
Save Water!

As the weeks of the sustainable challenge have gone by, I found myself getting used to showering for shorter amounts of time. Everything was nice and peachy until, my waterproof watch broke. I guess it was not so waterproof. It seemed to be working perfectly fine a until last Tuesday when I realized the buttons had fallen off. Keep in mind I only paid about a dollar for it but, what this now meant was that my method of reducing the barriers to showering was now lost! I was reliant of this watch, not only to keep track of my showering times but it also became a part of me. I would always looks at it, having it around kept me at ease throughout the day… With it I wasn’t so lost anymore. Okay maybe I’m being a little melodramatic but truth remains that watch was helpful in other applications of my everyday.

With my watch absence, I took this as an opportunity to get my friends involved. They had  knowledge as to this challenge that I would be taking on and it was their chance to help. They’d be my new form of management, I found that this somewhat worked….whenever they didn’t forget. Facing this predicament opened my eyes to other potential barriers that might pose a threat to my attempt at changing my behaviors. Most of them surrounding the idea that I need to be motivated about it and remember to do it. By maybe setting daily reminders, scheduling shower time and setting alarms, this new structure would allow me to more effectively complete this challenge.

Looking to the future I wish that I could honestly say that I would continue this behavior beyond EVST 100 but I would be somewhat lying. You see, I shower to relieve stress forget about the days worries and, keeping tabs on myself as I shower isn’t making my life an easier. I dislike being timed, feeling rushed and I just plainly love to shower! I do know that my lifestyle need adjustment, but such a cold turkey commitment, also needs modification. I want to preserve the environment but I think my calling may be to do it from a different angle.

In case you are curious, this was my watch.
In case you are curious, this was my watch.

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