
In this report we did research on microgrids which can be used to not only assist Lafayette in achieving carbon neutrality, but also take steps towards energy independence. Microgrids can create renewable sources of energy for Lafayette that would decrease or eliminate GHG emissions cause by electricity use on campus. Additionally, a microgrid would make Lafayette energy independent, mitigating risk from power outages in the larger macrogrid. Furthermore, microgrids could help Lafayette stand out among other college if prospective students could see Lafayette owning and operating its own microgrid. Having a microgrid on campus would not only demonstrate Lafayette’s commitment to the environment to prospective students, but also provide a hands on educational experience to students seeking to learn more about energy generation and distribution. Microgrids open the door to solve problems like emissions reduction and energy independence, while creating  an active learning opportunity for future students.

In order to assess the feasibility of microgrids at Lafayette, we identified and evaluated four possible microgrid options for Lafayette: Kirby Solar, Metzgar Solar for Campus, Metzgar Solar for Metzgar, and Anderson Courtyard CHP. Each microgrid option would have a specific goal. All four of the plans would reduce Layette’s energy costs and make energy generation more efficient. The solar alternatives would help Lafayette follow the Climate Action Plan by reducing emissions, while also highlighting Lafayette’s commitment to fighting climate change. The Anderson CHP alternative could help emissions reductions if it was power with biofuels. A natural gas power plant would decrease emissions in the short run, but would cap Lafayette’s potential emissions reductions by constraining the power plant to a non renewable source of energy. The larger projects, the Metzgar Solar for Campus and the Anderson Courtyard CHP, would require significant capital investments and would require frequent maintenance and monitoring. The smaller solar projects, at Metzgar and Kirby, would be good first steps towards renewable energy, while saving Lafayette money on its energy bill. We recommend that the school move forward with the two smaller solar projects, since we believe they could benefit Lafayette financially and help meet the goals of the climate action plan.

The next steps for microgrids at Lafayette revolve around getting precise estimates for installation, operation costs, and their social cost of carbon. For the solar plants, several assumptions were made in order to come up with cost estimates. If Lafayette was to get more serious about installing a solar microgrid, they would have to get precise quotes on solar panels. The estimates we made are approximations, and contacting a solar company would provide accurate costs for the potential costs and benefits of solar at Lafayette. Furthermore, the social cost of carbon and the benefit from providing academic opportunities in energy production and distribution should be considered. Inserting the social cost of carbon into discussion on solar at Lafayette would make solar energy and renewable energy in general more cost effective at Lafayette. Additionally, if Lafayette knew how much future students would value living on a renewable campus as well as having the opportunity to actively participate in their school’s electric system, the implicit benefits of a microgrid would become more apparent in conversations in installing a microgrid on campus. To overcome this uncertainty would require further research and deliberation on what Lafayette values and wants to see in its energy generation and distribution look moving forward.

Microgrids are part of an answer, but not a full solution to Lafayette’s energy independence and emissions reduction. We only looked at four microgrid options at Lafayette, specifically ones that we felt were the most practical. This report is not a substantive list of microgrid options at Lafayette or the only steps that can be taken towards carbon neutrality. Nor is it a guide in how to install a microgrid, but microgrids can play off of Lafayette’s strengths, as well as be included with new infrastructure changes. Other greenhouse gas reduction projects have been considered at Lafayette. One such plan includes planting tree at Metzgar could help Lafayette offset CO2 emissions by providing a carbon sink (Hayes, 2018). While this plan would not change the emissions from electricity production, it could make Lafayette carbon neutral by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Microgrids can help alleviate CO2 emissions but they are not the only way to do so. Microgrids could be implemented at Lafayette in conjunction with other carbon offsetting projects to help reduce the impact of Lafayette on the environment.

After holistically evaluating microgrids, we feel that there are various potential benefits of microgrids at Lafayette. Further research is necessary before investing in microgrids at Lafayette, but our preliminary report identifies potential microgrid options to be considered moving forward. By researching a few of the possible microgrids options, we hope to provide a benchmark for future inquiries into microgrids, and outline the alternatives we feel could work at Lafayette.