Status Update – Week 2

Our Goals for this week:

  • Begin interfacing Bluetooth or at least get a better understanding of what needs to be done to make it functional
  • Work on user interface, including multicolor LED lights to show status of device operation, as well as LCD display to show important things such as the lock status
  • Accurately and consistently detect motion

Work Completed this week:

  • Craig
    • Full integration of button press interpretation (hold, single press, double press)
    • Programmed multi-color status LED which will change color based on button input (including timers and interrupts to trigger based on input)
    • Soldered through-hole pins into accelerometer
    • Assisted with initial calibration of accelerometer
  • Rachel
    • Background research and initial testing of Bluetooth devices
    • Scaling and functionality of accelerometer
    • Beginning to work with accelerometer to make it detect and identify direction of motion

Current Challenges:

One of the biggest challenges we faced was understanding and working with the Bluetooth devices. We are currently sharing the devices with Jack and Greg, who will be ordering another set this upcoming week. We realized that one of the devices has a faulty power LED and has trouble communicating with the computer via USB. For this week we decided to work more on the accelerometer than initially planned, having that aspect advance further to offset the lack of progression with Bluetooth. We hope to have the Bluetooth issues worked out in this week’s lab so it does not set us back any further.

Goals for upcoming week:

Since we do have a holiday break this week, we are unsure of how much of our list will be complete by the beginning of next Tuesday’s lab, but below is what we hope to have completed. If either partner happens to have all of their tasks complete before lab, or faces an obstacle that prevents them from making adequate progress on a task, they will try to assist the other partner and/or begin working on the user interface, including LCD lock and instructional LEDs (if device is on, processing motion, or accepted a valid pattern).

  • Craig
    • Configure the barebones of the UI. This includes:
      • Lock screen – Shows “lock” and failed attempts counter
      • “Main Menu” upon unlocking – Ability to set a new password or lock device
  •  Rachel
    • Have accelerometer accurately identify the horizontal and vertical directions of motion (left or right / up or down)
    • Begin pattern recognition, having the PIC identify multiple motions and acknowledge whether or not it matches the given password. For this step, the password will be hard-coded into the system since the functionality to store motion as a password is not yet complete.
  • Both Members
    • Further work on Bluetooth together should the issues not be resolved in this week’s lab