Status Update – Week 1

Week In Review

This past week our group had a few small victories. We reviewed our final parts list and even got some of our parts delivered, we also began discussing the user interface. Both group members sat down to review the initial design proposal, more concretely divide up responsibilities, and figure out what the next goal is to ensure that we are meeting our schedule.

Goals For The Week

  • Begin interfacing Bluetooth
  • Start User Interface
  • Receive Accelerometer

Stretch Goals

  • Get Bluetooth interface communicating completely
  • Develop system to recognize distinction between holding a button, single, and double clicks


Currently, neither Rachel nor Craig have any prior experience with Bluetooth communication. While there is plenty of documentation both online and from groups last year, it is still an unfamiliar form of data communication to us. We believe this could pose as the biggest threat as we do not want to burn all of our time interfacing Bluetooth communication. Furthermore, we do not have all of our parts yet which will delay our progress. The most inconvenient part about the lack of parts is that we are missing the accelerometer which is the crux of our project.

Task Breakdown

  • Rachel – Begin reviewing documentation on Bluetooth interfacing from last year
  • Craig – Begin reviewing documentation on Bluetooth interfacing from online
  • Rachel & Craig – Begin implementation of Bluetooth interface
  • Rachel – Begin CAD model for final product
  • Craig – Begin button press interpretation (hold, single click, double click)