
Goals for previous week:

  • Perform hardware test on the station boards
  • Create a map of bytes to rail sections
  • Create a map of switch bits
  • Test remaining base stations
  • Build a routing map so that trains can be steered from one area to another
  • Finish implementing basic Bluetooth communication
  • Begin connecting the Bluetooth and the train control

Work Completed:


  • Built the hardware for testing multiple stations
  • Created a map of the network


  • Found a number of additional bugs with the Bluetooth code


Neither of us were on campus for Thanksgiving break, so not much work could be completed.  Also the soldering irons in the lab are not very efficient making it difficult to build the boards.

Upcoming Goals:


  • Finish implementing basic Bluetooth communication
  • Begin connecting the Bluetooth and the train control


  • Figure out the bit mapping
  • Test the hardware

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