News Blog

DKE is Hosting The 4th Annual Jeremy Saxe Basketball Tournament!


Come play basketball and raise money for the Jeremy Saxe Foundation. Competitive and non-competitive brackets. Absolutely everyone is welcome to play.

Entry Fee: $15 per team

Email to sign up your 3 person team, or ask any questions you may have about the tournament.

The Jeremy Saxe Foundation was founded in honor of DKE brother Jeremy Saxe, who tragically passed away in 2008. Drawing inspiration from his work in Nepal, the Jeremy Saxe Foundation is committed to improving the lives those less fortunate in the village of Pharping, Nepal.

All proceeds raised will go directly to the Jeremy Saxe Foundation.

Further information for alumni can he found here.

Dekes Helping Out

The Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon prides itself on having a positive relationship with Lafayette College and the City of Easton.  For the second month in a row several Brothers, along with our chapter faculty advisor, Professor Schupp, aided in transferring donated food from the parishioners of the St. Jane Frances De Chantal Church in Easton, PA, to a local community center.  Furthermore, on campus, several Brothers volunteered to partake in Lafayette’s annual “Extravaganza Week.” “Extravaganza” is a weeklong event highlighting the contributions of Lafayette’s international students and the benefits they bring to campus.  Specifically, Brothers served food at the International Food Tasting event.


Rho chapter President, Andrew O’Brien, begins to unload donated food at The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Brothers Mullin, O’Brien, Clark, Phillips and Professor Schupp inside the community center

Vice President Biden to visit Lafayette

It is common knowledge among DKE Brothers that the greatest Vice Presidents of all time are Theodore Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, George Herbert Walker Bush and Dan Quayle, in fact, three of these men assumed the office of the Presidency after serving as Vice President.  However, it should not be forgotten that the United States has also had 52 Vice Presidents who were not Dekes.  One of these noble men is Joseph Biden, the current Vice President.



On April 25, 2012, Vice President Biden will be visiting Lafayette College as a part of the College’s annual “Lives of Liberty lecture.”  Details regarding his visit can be found here, and information about acquiring tickets is forthcoming.

Dekes Doing Service!

Recently several Rho DKE Brothers, along with the Rho Chapter faculty advisor, Professor Schupp, aided in transferring donated food from the Parishioners of the St. Jane Frances De Chantal Church in Easton, PA, to a local community center.  The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, which is located in downtown Easton, provides free food for the less fortunate on the first and third Tuesday of each month.




 Brothers Clark and Burke carrying bags of donated food

Brothers Clark and Stearns carrying food into the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

DKE Super Fans 2.0!

The Brothers of Rho DKE have always been known for their spirit around campus.  Recently, the Brothers have been attending the games of the Lafayette college Women’s Basketball team.  This Saturday the Brothers were out in full force as the Lady Leopards took on the 22-6, first place, American Eagles.  Unfortunately, the Leopards fell short of a major upset in the closing minutes of the game.  However, the spirit of the DKE Brothers has gained some recognition over the past few weeks, with a plug in The Lafayette crossword puzzle and an online shout-out from the “Lafayette Super Fan,” Facebook page. Undoubtedly, this tradition of Lafayette Athletics pride will continue into the spring!

DKE Super Fans


Recently the Brothers of the Rho Chapter attended the Lafayette Women’s basketball game against Bucknell.  Unfortunately a late surge by Bucknell prevented a Leopard win, but fun was still had by all! Great job Leopards!

Jon Williamson Futures Quest

Over the Winter Interim, Andrew O’Brien (president) and Daniel Toutoungi (treasurer) attended a three day conference in Indiana called the Jon Williamson Futures Quest. This program is lead by the North-American Interfraternity Conference who provides leadership training to fraternity men from across the country. This specific program focused on developing communication skills, identifying personal strengths and weaknesses, making a commitment to fraternal ideals, and exploring ways to overcome the various challenges that may lie ahead. The day began early in the morning and stretched late into the evening with interactive sessions that were designed to keep every fraternity leader on their toes. The Deke brothers were each given a mentor who was an experienced fraternity leader that offered guidance throughout the process. They were also given the opportunity to speak with the current North-American Interfraternity Conference President, Peter Smithhisler (pictured below), as well as past NIC Presidents. Brothers O’Brien and Toutoungi returned to the Rho chapter with new leadership skills as well as ideas to improve the fraternity as a whole.

Dekes Abroad!

Dekes have always been known for their adventurous spirits. Whether it was Allan Bean going to the moon or Robert E. Peary claiming the North Pole, a lust for bold new endeavors is a common Deke trait.  With that in mind it is not surprising that eight brothers of the Rho Chapter have elected to spend the spring semester of 2012 abroad.  Brothers Szklanny, Brandt, Greene, Dietz, Deir, McGuigan, Eckelmann and Schwartz will be missed here in Easton, but we certainly wish them the best in their respective destinations.

Brothers Brandt, Greene, McGuigan and Schwartz have chosen to study abroad in London, England.  They are studying at the University of Westminster in center of London.  At the same time they intend to use Europe’s vast cultural diversity to their advantage as the will be traveling to places like The Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Belgium.

Brothers Eckelmann and Szklanny are currently studying in Rome, Italy.  Interestingly enough they both have prominent internships while abroad.  Brother Szklanny will be working for the Italian Parliament and Brother Eckelmann will be working for an international law firm.

David Eckelmann at the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel

Brothers Deitz and Deir are studying in New Zealand and Bremen, Germany respectively.

Let us wish our fellow brothers safe and joyous travels!