DKE Accreditation

Rho DKE was recently informed that they have earned a Gold accreditation rating. This is the first ever Gold accreditation rating that has ever been issued since the start of the accreditation program at Lafayette. Congratulations to last years President Jimmy Cochran on his fantastic term. Along with the entire Rho chapter, as this could not have been done without all of them.


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  12. What an incredible achievement! Congratulations to Rho DKE, especially to last year’s President, Jimmy Cochran, for leading such a successful term. Achieving the first-ever Gold accreditation rating at Lafayette since the inception of the accreditation program is no small feat. It’s clear that this milestone couldn’t have been reached without the dedication and teamwork of the entire Rho chapter. Well done to everyone involved! Your hard work and commitment have truly paid off.

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