DKE Summer Series 2014 – Sam Todd

This summer Brother Sam Todd ’15 is interning at General Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton, CT for the the second year in a row. As a senior Mechanical Engineering major, Sam was placed in the Weapons & Mechanical Systems department that is working on the Block V of the VIRGINIA Class Naval Submarines.

Sam’s department is directly responsible for various mechanical components on the new VIRGINIA Payload Module, which was contracted to vastly increase the payload capacity of the attack class submarines. Sam’s main task is to research and design various options for position indication switches that will be integral to the missile tube muzzle hatch operation. Additionally, Sam will begin his second semester as DKE’s Director of Service and Philanthropy in the fall.

151 thoughts on “DKE Summer Series 2014 – Sam Todd

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  14. Sam Todd’s internship at General Dynamics Electric Boat showcases his dedication and expertise in mechanical engineering, contributing to the development of advanced components for the Block V VIRGINIA Class Naval Submarines.

    Balancing his professional growth with his role as DKE’s Director of Service and Philanthropy, Sam exemplifies a well-rounded individual who actively contributes to both his academic and social endeavors.

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