You can follow me on Google Scholar by clicking here
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications:
- W. Li, P. Francis, R. McClosky, & A. Brown (2024). WeBikes: a configurable, open-source add-on for simulating single-track vehicle dynamics in the Webots robot simulation software. Advances in Transportation Studies.
- A.A. Brown, M.F. Brown, S.R. Folk, and B.A. Utter. Archerfish respond to a hunting robotic conspecific. Biological Cybernetics (2021).
- J. Font and A. Brown: “Investigating the effects of roadside cover on safe speeds for autonomous driving in high-risk deer-vehicle collision areas.” Advances in Transportation Studies, 2020. (preprint)
- B. Utter and A. Brown (2020). “Open-source five degree of freedom motion platform for investigating fish-robot interaction.” HardwareX (2020): e00107 (view).
- Steinberg, Noah J., Alexander A. Brown, and Luis F. Schettino. “Target capture strategy selection in a simulated marksmanship task.” Scientific Reports 9, no. 1 (2019): 1-11 (view)
- Potts, C. A., Brown, A. A., Solnik, S., & Rosenbaum, D. A. (2017). A method for measuring manual position control. Acta psychologica, 180, 117-121. (view)
- M.F. Brown & A.A. Brown: “The promise of cyborg intelligence.” Learning & Behavior, 2016,45,1, 5-6 (view)
- A. Brown: “Modeling and simulating the “Death Star” Shotgun Target,” Sports Engineering, 2016, 10.1007/s12283-016-0214-x (preprint)
- P. Stankiewicz, A. Brown, and S. Brennan: “Preview Horizon Analysis for Vehicle Rollover Prevention Using the Zero-Moment Point.” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 137.9 (2015): 091002 (view).
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Lateral Vehicle State and Environment Estimation Using Temporally Previewed Mapped Lane Features,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 99, 1-8,2014 (view)
- M.P. Keske, A.A. Brown, T. Qiu, and S.N. Brennan: “Dynamics of Vehicle Impacts With Boulders Embedded in Cohesionless Soil,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 75,88-89,2015, ISSN 0734-743X (view)
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Simulating vehicle dynamics on both design plans and laser-scanned road geometry to guide highway design policy,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 50, 28-36, 2015. (view)
- D.J. Torbic, E.D. Donnell, S.N. Brennan, A.A. Brown, M.K. O’Laughlin, K.M. Bauer, “Superelevation Design For Sharp Horizontal Curves on Steep Grades,” Transportation Research Record, 2436, 81-81, 2015.*
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “On the required complexity of vehicle dynamic models for use in simulation-based highway design.” Journal of Safety Research, 49, 105-115, 2014. (view)
- S. Lapapong, A.A. Brown, K.S. Swanson, S.N. Brennan: “Zero-moment point determination of worst-case manoeuvres leading to vehicle wheel lift,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 50, Iss. Sup1, 2012 (view)
*TRB Geometric Design Committee best paper award winner
Refereed Conference Proceedings (only papers indexed in major repositories are shown):
- Cutrone, Samuel, Chun Wai Liew, Brent Utter, and Alexander Brown. “A Framework for Identifying and Simulating Worst-Case Animal-Vehicle Interactions.” In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 1995-2000. IEEE, 2018.
- Coulson, Ryan, Brent Utter, Michael Brown, and Alexander Brown. “Assessing the Significance of Tail Actuation Strategy in Ethorobotic Fish.” In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 351-356. IEEE, 2018.
- Brown, Alexander A., and Chason J. Coelho. “Modeling goal-directed movements in modern pistol competition.” In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 770-775. IEEE, 2017.
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Temporal Preview Estimation for Design of a Low-Cost Lane Following System Using a Forward-Facing Monocular Camera,” Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June 8-11, 2014, Detroit, MI
- P. Stankiewicz, A. Brown, and S. Brennan: “Open-Loop Collision Avoidance and Rollover Prevention using Previewed Zero-Moment Point,” Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, June 04-06, 2014, Portland, OR, USA.
- P. Stankiewicz, A.A. Brown, and S.N. Brennan: “Determination of Minimum State Preview Time to Prevent Vehicle Rollover,” Proceedings of the 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 21-23, 2013, Stanford, CA.
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Comparison of Field Measurements of Vehicle Dynamics to Simulations Using Both Design Plans and LIDAR-Scanned Road Geometry”, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, October 22-25, 2013, Rome, Italy
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Analysis of Simulation Model Complexity for Predicting Vehicle Skidding for 3D Geometric Design of Roadways”, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, October 22-25, 2013, Rome, Italy
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Global and Local Frameworks for Vehicle State Estimation Using Temporally Previewed Mapped Lane Features”, IEEE IV2013 Environment Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, June 23rd 2013, Gold Cost, Australia.
- K.S. Swanson, A.A. Brown, S.N. Brennan, C.LaJambe: “Extending Driving Simulator Capabilities Toward Hardware-In-The-Loop Testbeds and Remote Vehicle Interfaces”, IEEE IV2013 Environment Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, June 23rd 2013, Gold Cost, Australia.
- A.A. Brown and S.N. Brennan: “Model-Based Vehicle State Estimation Using Previewed Road Geometry and Noisy Sensors”, Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. October 17-19, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA
- S. Lapapong, A.A. Brown, and S. Brennan. “Frequency Characteristics and Explanation of Notches Seen in Frequency Responses of Vehicles.” 2nd TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering. Krabi, Thailand. October 19-21,2011.
- A.A. Brown and S. Brennan. “Measuring Vehicle Roll, Tire Camber, and Camber Coefficient Using LIDAR.” 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2011). Manchester, UK. August, 2011.
- A.A. Brown, S. Lapapong, K. Swanson, and S. Brennan. “Modeling of Planar Vehicle Dynamics During Gradual Tire Deflation.” 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2011). Manchester, UK. August, 2011.
- S. Lapapong, A.A. Brown, and S. Brennan. “Experimental Validation of Terrain-Aware Rollover Prediction for Ground Vehicles Using the Zero-Moment Point Method.” 10th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. (2010 AVEC). Loughborough, UK. August 2010.
Selected poster presentations and conference presentations refereed by abstract
J. Bobb, K. hickering, P. Donohue, M. Gallagher, S. Hartzell, C. Lipman, M. Miorin, K. Ottaway, A.A. Brown: “ARK Brace: An Active Rehabilitative Knee Brace,” 2016 SB3C, National Harbor, MD
E.T Campolettano, A.A. Croft, K.J. Fasano, S.H. Hodge, K.J. Myers, B.R. Pinkard, J.L. Ross, A. Scoular, T.S. Todd: “Design of a Low-Cost Haptic Assistive Handwriting Device,” 2015 SB3C, Snowbird, UT *
N. Ochoa-Lleras, A. A. Brown, S. N. Brennan, P. M. Garvey, H. J. Sommer, and D. J. Murphy: “Development of an Open-Source Immersive Tractor Driving Simulator,” 2014 ASABE and CSBE | SCGAB Annual International Meeting, July 13-16, 2014, Montreal, Quebec Canada.
Stories About My Work:
- Eyerly, Mark: Searching for Patterns in Chaos
- Griggs, Mary Beth: Can a Boulder Stop a Speeding Truck? A Forceful New Study Investigates