Lafayette enabled themes. Your Wordpress theme resource

Author: Greta Bergstresser (Page 2 of 4)


Processing.js is the sister project of the popular Processing visual programming language, designed for the web. Processing.js makes your data visualizations, digital art, interactive animations, educational graphs, video games, etc. work using web standards and without any plug-ins.

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Collapse-O-Matic adds a shortcode that allows for collapsible content.


Use the following model for the title and body components:

Example of how to configure the code for Collapse-o-matic plugin

The result will look like this:

Put the title here

Write the text you want to have open here.



TinyMCE Advanced

This plugin will let you add, remove and arrange the buttons that are shown on the Visual Editor toolbar. You can configure up to four rows of buttons including Font Sizes, Font Family, text and background colors, tables, etc. It will also let you enable the editor menu, see the screenshots.

It includes 15 plugins for TinyMCE that are automatically enabled or disabled depending on the buttons you have chosen. In addition this plugin adds some commonly used options as keeping the paragraph tags in the Text editor and importing the CSS classes from the theme’s editor-style.css.

Some of the features added by this plugin

  • Support for creating and editing tables.
  • More options when inserting lists.
  • Search and Replace in the editor.
  • Ability to set Font Family and Font Sizes.
  • And many others.

With this plugin you can also enable the TinyMCE menu above the toolbars. This will make the editor even more powerful and convenient.

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Mathjax enables enables rendering of embedded latex or mathml in HTML pages. This plugin adds this functionality to wordpress. The mathjax javascript is inject on-demand only to those pages which require it. This ensures that mathjax is not loaded for all pages, which will otherwise slow loading down.

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Category Posts Widget

Category Posts Widget is a light widget designed to do one thing and do it well: display the most recent posts from a certain category.

Term and Category based Posts Widget
This is the premium version of this free widget here and available on tiptoppress.comcreated for big WordPress sites. We’ve also started creating free widget extensions for the Premium Widget. The first extension is the Excerpt Extension.
Shortcode (Easily change all Shortcode options in the customizer.)
Support multiple shortcodes
Add option for post offset (use two or more widgets after another)
Add insert shortcode buttons to the editor toolbar
For editing shortcode adds a Customizer link to the admin-bar (“With one click to the Customizer”).
Option to show post thumbnail & set dimensions by width & height.
Option for client-side cropped thumbnail dimensions by width & height.
Fluid images for Responsive Layouts
Option to set mouse hover effects for post thumbnail.
Set a thumbnail as default thumbnail
Add option to enable excerpt filters from Themes and plugins
Jetpack ‘Social buttons on posts’ support.
Add option to disable social buttons, banner, … in the excerpt
Option to change ordering of posts.
Set which category the posts should come form.
Add dropdownbox entry for ‘all’ categories
Set how many posts to show.
Option to hide widget, if category have currently no posts.
Add option to disable subcategories
Option to put thumbnail on top.
Option to hide posts which have no thumbnail.
Option exclude current post.
Option to hide the widget title and post titles.
Option to make the widget title link to the category page.
Option to show the post excerpt, set the length, allow HTML and change ‘more’ text.
Option show post author.
Option to show the comment count.
Option to show the post date.
Option to make the widget date link to the category page.
Option to format the outputted date string.
Option to link to the category page below posts list.
Option to disable widget CSS.
Multiple widgets.
Multi sites support.
Support localization with
Use WP user profile for settings (‘auto close’ and if the shortcode button appears in the editor toolbar)

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