Each week, our distribution gets better and better! We’re becoming more efficient at preparing and running the farm stand as the summer rolls along. Even the weather has been nothing short of perfect these past two weeks! I’ve enjoyed so much being at the farm stand Thursday nights and seeing how excited people get over some of the produce we provide. The most rewarding thing is when you see familiar faces and hear how people have tried and loved vegetables that they had never even heard of before!

This week Alison and Stephen from the Easton Hospital came and handed out samples of kale chips and beet salad, as well as the recipes to make them at home. Alison was able to talk to people about the nutrition values of the food. Everyone loved it! So many people turned down kale when they first got to it, but when they tried the chips, they realized that they actually liked it. We’ve never run out of kale faster! It was amazing to see how open people were to trying the samples and how quickly their attitudes about the vegetables changed. I’m looking forward to our next visit from the Easton Hospital in August!
