
How many students participate in POSP?

This varies year to year, with some applicants selected as alternates. The application process is competitive, so interested students should put the appropriate amount of time and effort into their applications.  There are 32 returning student leaders.

Does POSP conflict with any other activities that occur before orientation?

POSP occurs at the same time as some other activities.  International Student Orientation occurs during POSP, so international applicants are admitted on a case by case basis. For other activities, like band camp or sports teams’ training, you should contact your coach/adviser for their attendance policy.  POSP participants MUST be present for and participate in the entire program.

How are camp placements determined?

Camp placements are determined by information provided by the application.  We consider previous volunteer, teamwork, and leadership experiences as well as any special skills.  Please note that the special skills asked for by the application (lifeguarding, CPR certification, etc.) only affect camp placement, not acceptance into POSP.   

Is there a cost associated with POSP?

A registration fee of $250 is due upon acceptance into the Pre-Orientation Service Program (POSP). Please contact one of our Directors, Erin Caputo (caputoe@lafayette.edu) or Kathryn Wright (wrightkl@lafayette.edu) for more information. Registration fees cover the cost of early move-in, food, transportation, and evening recreational activities.  All meals and activities during the week are included in this cost. Information about how to pay the registration fee will be provided upon acceptance to the program.

How can I access the POSP application?

The POSP 2024 application will open on May 4, 2024 and will close on June 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Until that time, it can be accessed on the Home page or on our laf_posp Instagram. 

Moving in Early

Where will I stay?  How does the early arrival process work?

POSP first year students move into the same residence hall and rooms they will be living in for the first semester (the Residence Hall room assigned by Residence Life).  Sometimes roommates end up participating in POSP together, and sometimes they don’t.  Participation in POSP does not affect residence hall or roommate assignments.  We arrange for POSP first year students to move-in mid-morning on the first day of POSP between 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M. With the help of returning leaders, participants have time to unload their belongings and get situated in their rooms.  A suggested packing list is included with the accepted POSP first year students’ materials.

An overview of College Housing at Lafayette is provided on the Residence Life website.

How do I set up my computer for services at Lafayette?

Please visit the Technology Guide for New Students for all questions regarding Lafayette’s Information Technology Services.

The Program

How many people are on staff?  Will there be other groups on campus?

There are 32 returning students on staff and professional staff from the Lafayette College Landis Center for Community Engagement present throughout the program.  Other people on campus include Public Safety officers, administrators, Resident Advisers, LEOs, and students who have moved in early for various activities (sports teams, international students, some student leaders, etc.).  POSP is an entirely substance-free program for first-year students and returning leaders. This policy is strictly enforced.

What kind of transportation does POSP require/use?

POSP members will be transported by van and/or shuttle to their respective engagement program. These vans are provided by the Landis Center and are driven by van-certified student drivers. All other POSP activities take place on-campus or nearby in the Easton community.  All activities taking place in Easton are close to the Lafayette College campus, and returning leaders will walk with POSP first year students to these locations. 

What is the schedule like?  Are all activities mandatory?

See the page titled “Schedule” to view the schedule from last year.  POSP members MUST be present for and participate in the entire program.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us!