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ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference ’17


I was honored to be a Tapia NSF Scholar (#CNS-1733570) and be part of the 2017 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference( Sept. -20-23, Atlanta, GA). For 16 years, this conference has been the premier venue to acknowledge, to promote and to celebrate diversity in computing. This year I was selected for the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), in which I presented the work done in collaboration with Dr Conrad S. Tucker titled: “Towards Personalized Performance Feedback by Mining the Dynamics of Facial Keypoint Data”. Moreover, I was selected to present in the second round of the Student Research Competition and was one of the finalists in this year’s conference.

The ACM Tapia Conference was a great opportunity to present our research, as well as to network with other peers in the field, and participate in great workshops regarding Innovation and Big Data, like the ones given by MIT Lincoln Laboratories and Microsoft. However, one of the most memorable moments of the conference was the keynote speaker at the conference banquet Dr Randal Pinkett, and his message of “Success is a standard, but greatness is the goal.”

Here are just a few pictures of the conference, the Student Research Competition, and the keynote speaker.


IME PSU Faculty Fair- 2016 & 2017


Once again I was invited to be part of the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department  Faculty Fair. This was my second time representing the D.A.T.A. Lab and the research work Dr. Tucker and the graduate’s student of the lab are exploring. This was a great opportunity to let other Faculty members and students (both graduate and undergraduate) the state-of-the-art research the D.A.T.A. Lab is conducting. Here some pictures of the 2016 & 2017 event.




Getting ready for the ASEE 2017 Mid-Atlantic Conference (October 6-7,2017)

We are getting ready for the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Mid-Atlantic Section Fall 2017 Conference, taking place at Penn State Berks (Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building), PA from October 6-7, 2017. We will be presenting our work titled: “Towards Real-time Ergonomics Feedback and Educational Content with the use of Co-Robots“, done in collaboration with Dr. Conrad Tucker.

’17 ASME International IDETC/CIE Conferences

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computers & Information in Engineering (CIE) Conference was an extraordinary experience. I had the chance to get together with other researchers of the community and discussed the future of engineering research. The conference was a great opportunity to learn about the state-of-the-art research in the field of Engineering Education, Emotional Engineering, and Data-Driven Design.

I presented the work done in collaboration with Dr. Conrad Tucker, titled: “From Mining Affective State to Mining Facial Keypoint data: The Quest Towards Personalized Feedback“, in the 37th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) Emotional Engineering II session

Moreover, I presented the work done in collaboration with Dr. Scarlet Miller, and Xuan Zheng, titled: “Linking Creativity Measurements to Product Market Favorability: A Data-Mining Approach, in the 43rd Design Automation Conference (DAC) Data-Driven Design session.

Here are just a couple of pictures from the event. Once again, there was a lot of interesting sessions to attend and not too much for pictures.



’17 ASEE Anunal Conference &Exposition-Where Engineering Education Takes Flight

The 124th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, that took place in Columbus, OH ( June 23-28, 2017),  was a great experience to network, learn, and spread our research. The conference was a great opportunity to learn about the state-of-the-art research in the field of Engineering Education, how Virtual Reality, Robotics, and Drones are pushing the boundaries of this field.

I presented a demo related to our work titled: “When to Provide Feedback? Exploring Human-CoRobot Interactions in Engineering Environments“ (see PDF), done in collaboration with Dr. Conrad Tucker

Here are just a couple of pictures from the event and our real-time demo of facial recognition that call the attention of a lot of peers. Looking forward to next year.


ISE Magazine (June 2017)-Gaming helps personalized therapy level up


The research community is showing increase interest in our work on  Gamification and personalized systems.  Our research which was published in the  Journal of Computer in Human Behavior on January 2017  (see doc. here),  was the center of a news article published  ISE Magazine (June 2017; Vol:49, No.:6, pag.15).


We are currently working on a new study that aims to use facial expression recognition and machine learning algorithms to advance personalized gamification applications.


PSU IndustryXchange 2017- Connecting industry leaders and academics


We had a great time, during the first IndustryXchange sponsored by the College of Engineering at the Pennsylvaniaia State University. We had an opportunity to present our current research work on personalized learning systems and gain valuable insight on how affective-sensitive system and facial recognition technology can be implemented to solve a wide range of current industry problems.

Here are some pictures of the event.


2017 IISE Annual Conference & Expo-A glance to the future of ISE research

The 2017 IISE Annual Conference & Expo was a great experience. I had the chance to get together with old friends and professors from the RIT, as well as connect and get to know other ISE peers. The conference was a great opportunity to learn about the state-of-the-art research in the field of Additive Manufacturing, Energy, Lean, and Human Factors.

I presented  the work done in collaboration with Dr David Nembard  titled: “Cooperative Workforce Planning Heuristic with workers Learning/Forgetting and Demand Constraints.” (see final presentation here)

Here are just a couple of pictures from the event. There was a lot to see and learn, not too much for pictures 😛 Looking forward to next year.


Imagine RIT- 10 years of innovation and creativity


Once again, I had the privilege to attend to one of the greatest innovation and creativity festivals in the USA, Imagine RIT. This was the10 year anniversary and my 6th year attending. It was so great to visit the Rochester Institute of Technology, and the  Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, especially the Toyota Production Systems Laboratory (the first lab that introduced me to research and teaching).


Image RIT is a great opportunity to see at first-hand the latest research and technology that are shaping the future.


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