Zoom Whiteboard Instructions
Before you begin this activity, you should have set up Zoom Meetings. You can refer to this link for directions.
If your child doesn’t want to participate in the study, that’s ok. You could try coming back to it later in the video chat, or on a different video chat. If you try it a couple times and your child isn’t still interested, let us know and we will send you the next activity.
On-screen Drawing: How to Use the Whiteboard Function on Zoom?
In order to perform the on-screen drawing activity, you will need to use the Whiteboard function on Zoom. If you do not know how to use the whiteboard function on Zoom or do not know how to allow your grandchild to draw on the same screen as yours, below you will find instructions on how to use the whiteboard function on Zoom.
Once you have both joined the meeting, the host (more likely you the grandparent) will need to share the whiteboard on the computer screen. To do that, select the green “Share Screen” button, circled in red in the picture below.
Then, click on “Whiteboard”.
Finally, click “Share”.
After you have shared the whiteboard on the screen, it will appear on the screen and will look like this.
Click one of the buttons on the left side of the screen (like depicted above) in order to get started on your drawing.
However, in order for your grandchild to participate in drawing, the parent will need to move their mouse to the top of the screen, then to click on “View options”.
After clicking on “View Options”, you will need to click on “Annotate” which is shown in the red arrow in the picture below.
After clicking on the “Annotate” button, you will see a similar screen like the one below.
Finally, you and your grandchild will be able to draw together. Below is an example of what the drawing might look like where the green color indicates the drawing of the grandparent and the blue drawing indicates the drawing of the grandchild.