Extravaganza 2016 Schedule


Our annual week-long Extravaganza celebration will showcase the diverse cultures found on our campus. Through brown bags, discussions and interactive events, members of the Lafayette community will be exposed to global perspectives on a multitude of issues.

On the first day(March28th) we will have a Tea and Cookies event hosted by Grossman House.

A series of brown bags will focus on Islam and the western world, study abroad experiences, mexico’s drug war and discussions on holi. More information can be found here

For the first time, Extravaganza will also feature the celebration of the Hindu festival of colors, Holi. An interactive panel discussion with students and faculty will focus on the origins of the holiday while the Day of Colors will allow participants to immerse themselves in an on-campus color party outside Grossman House.
Students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to sample traditional food from around the globe at the ever popular Food Tasting event on Friday, April 1st at 6:00 pm in the Marlo room.
Extravaganza will conclude with the Grand Finale on Saturday, April 2nd at 8:30 pm in the Williams Center for the Arts. This show featuring performances from various student groups on campus will showcase the multitude of creative talent at Lafayette. Tickets will be available at all Extravaganza Week events.