When reflecting on today’s class discussion, I recall that someone said there are rivers inside our bodies. I feel this in a same way. A blood vessel is similar to a riverbed that carries blood, which resembles a river itself.  Indeed, blood that mainly consists of hemoglobin in the human body delivers oxygen and nutrient to prevent our tissues and organs in different parts from dying. In this way, they also act as connectors.  Similarly, rivers connect different places and bring lives and vitality to areas they flow through.

Besides from that blood can be compared to rivers, I found a river that once had a blood color. The river on the right is called the Daldykan river in Russia. The red color was caused by overflowing of a chemical plant owned by a metal producing company called Norilsk Nickel. The river looks daunting at first glance but has an abnormal beauty. Now blood inside our body and rivers both resembles each other!