My current work addresses the dangers of the far right across Europe and the United States.  This project addresses far right fears over immigration and population change, captured by their panic over a supposed “great replacement”. And it tackles how these racial fears give rise to an anti-democratic politics of white rage.

For a representative sample, see my recently released book with the University of Minnesota Press (July 2024), The Rage of Replacement: Far Right Politics and Demographic Fear.

The next stage of the project is a book manuscript on the far right politics of masculinity — particularly their insistence that only a resurgent masculinity can salvage what they take to be the ongoing decline of the nation/culture.

My article-length work has appeared in journals such as Political Theory, Perspectives on Politics, European Journal of Political Theory, Polity, Contemporary Political Theory, Theory & Event, Political Studies, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Journal for French and Francophone Philosophy, and Radical Philosophy Review.