"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Death of an Environmentalist

Martin Litton, a lifelong environmentalist and active within the SIerra Club has passed away at the age of 97. I think this is a pertinent time, to take a look at those people who initially were vocal about human respect of nature. If it weren’t for them, we could be in a much worse place environmentally speaking. This article contains an interview where Litton explains his struggles with developers in being an avid environmentalist. David Brower relayed that Litton was the Sierra Club’s conscience most of the time he was involved with it, saying he had a bright and hopeful mind, willing to motivate people. One quote from Litton:
“Shall we fail to go into battle because it is hard to win?” he wrote. “Could not 22,000 Sierra Club members, without strain, turn out 22,000 letters a day for a week?” He continued, “There has never been a Congress, a president, a secretary of interior, a governor or a newspaper editor who would not sit up and take notice of that.”



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