"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi


This article is about the huge help efficiency could lend to reducing carbon emissions in our future. Of the largest economies in the world, Germany has been rated most energy efficient, yet scored a rating of merely 65 out of a possible 100. According to some numbers in the article, “efficiency will have to account for 40 percent of the emissions reductions if warming is to be limited to 2 degrees Celsius, as world leaders have pledged, Mr. Benoit said. That will cost $14 trillion between now and 2035, more than $600 billion a year, doubling the current rate of spending on efficiency. In addition, Environmentalists, though, are disappointed with an October agreement by European Union leaders to set a non-binding target of increasing the bloc’s energy efficiency by at least 27 percent by 2030.” So, we’ll see what actually happens. It could be interesting, but it is important within all our extreme innovation to take a look at existing technologies and see if it is possible to make them more efficient.


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  7. Jeremy Cooley

    After reading over that article I am disappointing in the EU because they signed such a passive agreement and instead should have signed a real agreement that would have actually lead to some unprecedented change in terms of energy efficiency. The EU is in the position to lead the way and they need to capitalize on this opportunity. This may seem very selfish on my part because I do not live in the EU, but the first big step needs to be taken somewhere and that place will most likely be Europe.

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