"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Nuclear Fusion

Recently, Lockheed Martin announced breakthroughs in fusion technology. They proclaim that they will have a working prototype of a small-sized nuclear fusion reactor in 5 years. In 10 years they say this technology will be used in military operations, and in 20 it will be commercialized and satisfy civilian energy needs. Fusion reactors have been attempted to be made before, but none have succeeded for a variety of reasons (funding on the top of the list). Lockheed Martin’s reactor is different because it is a small reactor which reduces the costs significantly. They have reportedly tweaked some things about previously attempted magnetic confinement and particle recirculation. The way this works is still way over my head after reading several articles on it, but it is promising nonetheless. From this university today article, “There are a few reasons Lockheed-Martin has gone out on a limb. Consider the potential. One ton of Uranium used in Fission reactors has as much energy as 1,500 tons of coal. But fission reactors produce radioactive waste and are a finite resource without breeder reactors, themselves a nuclear proliferation risk. Fusion produces 3 to 4 times more energy per reaction than fission. Additionally, the fuel — isotopes of hydrogen — is available from sea water — which is nearly limitless — and the byproducts are far less radioactive than with fission. Fusion generators once developed could provide our energy needs for millions of years.”


In addition, Lockheed Martin is opening up their doors a little to get more minds involved in this project in which the manager has said, “We think we’ve invented something that is inherently stable.” He also said they are still early on in the scientific process, but with such enormous implications, it is hard to not pay attention to this budding project. It will be exciting to follow this story in the future, as it could change everything.



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